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Old 05-06-2018, 09:38 AM   #51
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So webuyanycar just buy a CSL at book value, without seeing it, then blindly flog it off at an auction. Auctioneer then does not bother to mention the poorly repaired damage, despite it being well documented / fairly obvious. Absolute disgrace.
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Old 05-06-2018, 10:52 AM   #52
M5 Powered
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Sadly yep. I've actually sat through the 'we buy any car' buying process as part of some consultancy (my line of work is in CMS / e-commerce systems).

We Buy any Car is all software driven and so you have someone that knows f**k all about cars doing the 'buying'.

eg. Screen 1

Go outside...

1. Is there a car present in the car park YES / NO
2. Is it the correct colour to log book YES / NO
2. Start car and look for warning lights. Any present YES / NO
3. Does the car have four original wheels YES / NO
4. Service history YES / NO
5. Does the number plate match the log book. YES / NO

And so on...

Any deviation from this and they have to call an area manager. Same when it comes to the financial offer (which by the way always goes down) from the original price. So examples are... it has stone chips so take x % off. Oh a scratch... another x% off... and so on.

Then even when it comes to giving you the money, if you want the cash the same day they take a hefty % commission. It if you wait 10 days then it x % and at 30 days you get the agreed amount. (might be less time than this but you get the idea!)

So by putting the car through this process the lemon has been sold and undoubtedly the money was taken there and then.

Technically 'We Buy Any Car' could claim the money back if car deemed dangerous but I suspect they unaware / play the numbers game via the auction process where less legal come back.

Still hard to believe 1. Amit was a long-term member on here and 2. had the cheek to try and sell it to other members while not being truthful about the condition.

Saddest of all... the new owner will turn up on here thinking they just got a bargain CSL.

It going down hill round here
M3 CSL, Silver Grey, 2004, Factory de-limit, Alcon BBK, Rogue Rear Control Arms, Turner Top Mounts, Braille CF Battery

Last edited by M5 Powered; 05-06-2018 at 10:58 AM.
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Old 05-06-2018, 01:42 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by M5 Powered View Post
It going down hill round here
On the positive side the forum has saved a few people getting burned. I joined a long time before buying, and the knowledge from here made buying a no doubt / zero regret process.

Originally Posted by M5 Powered View Post
Saddest of all... the new owner will turn up on here thinking they just got a bargain CSL
You'd have to be pretty daft to buy a CSL at auction on a whim, unless intending on parting it.

Speaking of daft: Romainan Scrapyard Car + Parts from this might = 1 good car??? Nah, shakes head, not at the prices they are wanting.
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Old 05-06-2018, 05:13 PM   #54
M5 Powered
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On the positive side the forum has saved a few people getting burned. I joined a long time before buying, and the knowledge from here made buying a no doubt / zero regret process.
I agree. The genuine people on here are exactly that.. helpful and honest. I bought my car post having had a few laps with Mr. Glendog at Donnington and a tip-off from here at 2am on a Sunday morning with regards to a pistonheads ad on a car.

I wanted a none tracked low mileage 04 CSL and that is what I managed to get by meeting the seller at 10am the next day (his phone was ringing off the hook). All slightly ironic as I was going to have the car as a track toy if kids / family had not got in the way + values not rocketed. I even bought a spare set of wheels from some dodgy bloke in Welwyn Garden City who had all sorts of stuff in his garage. Sh.... something was his name

In terms of the auction car, it really depends on what the reserve is but I suspect it will go for strong money.


M3 CSL, Silver Grey, 2004, Factory de-limit, Alcon BBK, Rogue Rear Control Arms, Turner Top Mounts, Braille CF Battery
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Old 05-06-2018, 05:50 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by M5 Powered View Post
I agree. The genuine people on here are exactly that.. helpful and honest. I bought my car post having had a few laps with Mr. Glendog at Donnington and a tip-off from here at 2am on a Sunday morning with regards to a pistonheads ad on a car.

I wanted a none tracked low mileage 04 CSL and that is what I managed to get by meeting the seller at 10am the next day (his phone was ringing off the hook). All slightly ironic as I was going to have the car as a track toy if kids / family had not got in the way + values not rocketed. I even bought a spare set of wheels from some dodgy bloke in Welwyn Garden City who had all sorts of stuff in his garage. Sh.... something was his name

In terms of the auction car, it really depends on what the reserve is but I suspect it will go for strong money.


Don’t forget that buckled front alloy wheel you managed to offload to me !

(Just kidding )
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Old 05-06-2018, 05:51 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by M5 Powered View Post
Yes, I have met him but only very briefly at a Dads Day Out (Children's charity event). He helped in getting lots of the CSL register to go in 2010.

Am the same as you Terrible expert, I hate people being legged over, especially on cars such as these where people put in huge amounts of time and travel to procure what is often a 'dream car'.

I can't imagine 'We Buy Any Car' gave anything like what even a specialist
would even with full disclosure of the issues.

The job of the forum now is to keep tabs on this car so when (and not if) it turns up as a 1 owner garage queen at a performance car dealership the true history is there.


Yup - I think I was there. Was the only time we’ve met. Seemed decent guy. Disappointed.
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Old 06-06-2018, 01:41 PM   #57
M5 Powered
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Don’t forget that buckled front alloy wheel you managed to offload to me !
Yanto, do you know how many rattle cans that wheel took to get the silver shade right? Not to mention two nights with the mig welder before.
M3 CSL, Silver Grey, 2004, Factory de-limit, Alcon BBK, Rogue Rear Control Arms, Turner Top Mounts, Braille CF Battery
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Old 06-06-2018, 03:49 PM   #58
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Good work finding this out..

Out of interest if someone bought the car and fixed the problems would people still be inclined to buy or is it 'too far gone' ?
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Old 06-06-2018, 04:26 PM   #59
Driving it like I nicked it
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Originally Posted by AmirCSL1 View Post
Good work finding this out..

Out of interest if someone bought the car and fixed the problems would people still be inclined to buy or is it 'too far gone' ?
Originally Posted by AmirCSL1 View Post
Good work finding this out..

Out of interest if someone bought the car and fixed the problems would people still be inclined to buy or is it 'too far gone' ?
Would depend what I wanted to do with it & the price, but a simple answer is no unless it was as rare as a gto & properly repaired to a high standard.

What else has been bodged on the car ? Maybe nothing, but do you have any faith in it now?
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Old 06-06-2018, 04:31 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Trawler View Post

What else has been bodged on the car ? Maybe nothing, but do you have any faith in it now?
Exactly. Previous owner was a bare faced liar. Most likely would be ok but we still have no idea what kind of accident it was involved in. If it were me I'd have took pictures of the damage and the repair process. If it wasn't that bad then surely this would seem logical with a car like this. Makes you wonder how bad it was.

My local specialist commented that it must of been substantial to do that damage in the rear quarter.
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