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Old 08-06-2012, 11:58 AM   #11
S2 - Picking it up

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Just over two weeks to go now.....very excited and not a little daunted.

Firstly The Children's Trust and us at Petrolhead Nirvana would like to extend our thanks to everyone who has supported this event and who has done their bit in marketing and promoting this in various ways.

Anything more that you can do to help between now and the event would also be very welcome, even if it is simply sharing the event website url

A couple of video clips to give you a taster of the event in case you've never been and are wondering what all the fuss about.

and some more gratuitous photos too

LC1O4503g_800 by THE Supercar Event, on Flickr

LC1O3887i_800 by THE Supercar Event, on Flickr

finally if you've not bought your ticket yet why not?
car clubs get the amazing deal of £10 entry for the car and all passengers, the ticket is valid for both days, so what exactly are you waiting for?

it would help us out a lot if we had a decent idea of numbers on each day and any banner/space requirements too..

so a quick list for attendees each day ...




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Old 08-06-2012, 12:29 PM   #12
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1. Shimmy - PAID
2. CraigMillwardCroft
3. Yanto
4. SNP749

Im all paid up now and here is the Car Club £10 link


Last edited by shimmy; 08-06-2012 at 12:47 PM.
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Old 08-06-2012, 09:01 PM   #13
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Sorry, I fooked up on dates. Gutted as been to the last two and they were ace - very memorable pax in Enzo last year.

But in Bristol and won't make it this year.

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Old 13-06-2012, 10:26 AM   #14
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All paid too... May go on the Saturday if the weather looks better.
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Old 19-06-2012, 01:48 PM   #15
S2 - Picking it up

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We've managed to secure the services of one of the countries leading Skid Control companies - Driving Dynamics.

They will be on site on both days and provide yet another interactive attraction for anyone to take part in. The skid training is conducted in a Renault Megane automatic to allow for full appreciation of what is being taught. The car does not operate on a cradle, nor does it require any special surface; indeed all four wheels on the vehicle are able to be controlled by the instructor to allow for a truly realistic learning experience.

They are able to demonstrate all types of skid; front wheel skids, rear wheel skids, and four wheel skids, as well as aquaplaning and use of ABS.

The training session begins with a comprehensive discussion session covering the basics of skid recognition, correction and avoidance, followed by hands on experience of each type of skid in the specially converted skid vehicle.

Sessions can be to be tailored to each individual; so if there is a certain type of skid that the driver wants to work on more than others then this can be accommodated.

Skid Control at The Supercar Event by THE Supercar Event, on Flickr

Skid Control at The Supercar Event by THE Supercar Event, on Flickr

Skid Control at The Supercar Event by THE Supercar Event, on Flickr

Skid Control at The Supercar Event by THE Supercar Event, on Flickr

Skid Control at The Supercar Event by THE Supercar Event, on Flickr
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Old 19-06-2012, 02:30 PM   #16
S2 - Picking it up

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The Supercar Event team are always striving to make your day as memorable as possible.

We hope you'll leave the show having had a great day, with memories you'll cherish. We're therefore delighted to let you know that at short notice we've been able to add a new 3D car photography service to the special activities available this week end which we hope will become a regular activity.

As we expect demand to be high and the photographers use special kit to photograph in 3D, we suggest you to contact them on the details below to book your time slot.

Prints are 'glasses-free & look around' so you don't need any special glasses to see them and look stunning! Prices start from only £29.50 (a significant discount on the normal price) as the specialists will be with us for both days. You can even buy a digital copy of the 3D photo to show your friends on your 3D TV, smartphone or tablet. Prints will be send after the event to allow time for processing.

To get ahead of the queue, please email William@illuminessence.co.uk or jon@mitton3d.com. Examples you can see now, including the Aston Martin that will be giving rides at the week end, are available on their websites.

We hope you'll appreciate this new activity & make the most of the opportunity. However, if you can't get a slot booked or want you car photographed after the event, then please quote 'Supercar Event' in your communication to help us benefit from a donation from the photographers, so they know you contacted them via us.
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Old 20-06-2012, 06:47 PM   #17
S2 - Picking it up

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Yet another benefit to those who have, or are about to buy tickets for this years Supercar Event at Dunsfold.

Event partners The London Motor Museum are offering all ticket holders the opportunity to visit the museum at a 50% discount.

Simply keep your event ticket and present it at the museum and your entry fee will be discounted by a massive 50%

The museum is well worth visiting, cars such as the thrust SSC, the Eleanor Mustang from gone in 60 seconds and a host of others lie within the unassuming walls of the museum....

this is a link to the picture thread when we visited last year......

and a few pics of our own........

_1130755 by Petrolhead Nirvana.com, on Flickr

_1130925 by Petrolhead Nirvana.com, on Flickr

_1130899 by Petrolhead Nirvana.com, on Flickr

see you at the event...
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Old 20-06-2012, 08:46 PM   #18
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Old 20-06-2012, 10:02 PM   #19
S2 - Picking it up

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Hi all,

Just a couple of days to go now.....
We're trying to make sure the event is even better than last year and with the new attractions we think we've done it.

One important point for this year and the car club display in particular....

We need to know if you guys want extra space for gazebo's etc... and also how many cars will be there on each day to display.
If it's only a small number (say less than 10) and you don't want to bring any of your own car club signage we may ask you to either arrive and park together in a 'general display area' or park with the PistonHeads / Petrolhead Nirvana display area which is next to the car club display.

I need to know by close of play on Thursday which of the above you are planning...if i don't hear i'll assume it's the latter and will not allocate specific space for you (you'll still be in the same area though so don't panic we're not going to park you miles away!)

Of course, you will still be able to take part in the car club attractions such as skid control and auto solo, we just wont be marking out space for you.
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Old 21-06-2012, 08:04 AM   #20
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Sorry Shimmy won't be able to make it, shift has changed with Fire brigade Sunday is my day on, and car is in bits with AP's in bits (problem with disc's)
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