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Old 11-09-2014, 02:13 PM   #15
S2 - Picking it up

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TonyR is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by lawsy View Post
I wasn't looking to get into the price vs csl debate Tony, its just you had your racing book excuse book out in your first post, so I was wondering why for the price of the GTS was it as bad as you were making out in the post. Judging by your driving and times on that vid I can now see why you were soo much faster in your GTR
Here we go...

It wasn't excuses, they are facts. I don't need to explain or prove anything to you and I couldn't care less if you think the CSL is the best things since time began or the GTS is an overpriced Jaffa cake. They are quite different and I'd happily own both.

GTS is for me, the most enjoyable road car I've ever bought to date for circuit use. I am the first to admit I struggle to drive quickly since my eye problems and multiple operations, which is why I sought help from CATDT to get my confidence back, and I am very grateful to Colin as when I saw him first 18 months ago I had become scared to even drive on a normal road.

But go ahead, take the piss. Enjoy.
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