03-12-2019, 12:47 AM
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Originally Posted by 911-32
Yes, it works very well. I have done painted garage floors 2 ways recently. On my own garage it had a very rough cast concrete floor, which I levelled using large buckets of levelling compound (about 30 bags for a double garage) and then painted that using cheap grey garage floor paint. This looks good, but lifts a little with wet car tyres. On my friends garage, we went the other way. It was old concrete with minor broken sections and we used an epoxy levelling compound as there was much less depth to fill in than mine. This worked very well and is proving to be bullet proof tough. In hindsight, I wish I had used epoxy over my levelling compound due to the hardness of the finish. It does cost a lot more than paint though.
I realise this is replying to an old thread, but just sharing the knowledge.
Nice to know
Cha'mone Mother F**ker!