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Old 12-03-2013, 02:38 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Mike Rainbird View Post
Hi Alex,
The reason for posting these pictures is that at every turn you seem to be debunking everything I am saying

If you think you can get 400+bhp out of an S54 engine cheaply AND reliably, then you are sorely mistaken..... If you do it on the former, then you won't get the latter .

Please allow me to remind you that your very first posts in this forum (~3 weeks ago) were saying that with cams, compression, head work, exhaust and map the CSL would make 400+bhp.
At that time, you haven't done any research about the engine.
A few people, including myself said it's impossible to achieve this without serious components that cost a lot of money.
Therefore yes I was insisting that it's impossible what you were saying.

Here we are 3 weeks later and you are saying like a true expert that it's impossible to do it without expensive components.

What is there to say now ? That BMW MS didn't have the expertise or skills ?
Because their components have a very small life expectancy with 415bhp on the race cousin of the S54, the P54B32.

Last but not least, can we stay on the subject which is about a BMW engine ?
Otherwise I will start posting pics and info of Superbike engines

www.clubcsl.com - I am a BMW Motorsport fan !

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Old 12-03-2013, 02:48 PM   #42
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I'm getting very confused trying to keep up with this thread. Think I, for one, will just have to leave my car alone now

Originally Posted by The Gorilla View Post

Quote- ''Gorilla, just trying to keep harmony on our friendly site. Nothing more, nothing less.''

Alex, I could not agree more, but a bit more
S54 and a little less ''Focus'' would be nice
on a CSL forum.


The Gorilla.
Anything E30-related is always welcome too Mr. Gorilla, or maybe that's just me Don't want baby and bathwater syndrome
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Old 12-03-2013, 03:23 PM   #43
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I like this forum because its light hearted and very rarely any handbags, so can we please stop waving our willys, put them back in the y fronts. And keep this forum a pleasant one. Not letting it descend into an argumentative place like all other forums seem to be.

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Old 12-03-2013, 03:24 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by lawsy View Post
I like this forum because its light hearted and very rarely any handbags, so can we please stop waving our willys, put them back in the y fronts. And keep this forum a pleasant one. Not letting it descend into an argumentative place like all other forums seem to be.

F*ck off
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Old 12-03-2013, 03:28 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by _Nathan_ View Post
F*ck off
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Old 12-03-2013, 03:33 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by alexk View Post

Please allow me to remind you that your very first posts in this forum (~3 weeks ago) were saying that with cams, compression, head work, exhaust and map the CSL would make 400+bhp.
At that time, you haven't done any research about the engine.
A few people, including myself said it's impossible to achieve this without serious components that cost a lot of money.
Therefore yes I was insisting that it's impossible what you were saying.

Here we are 3 weeks later and you are saying like a true expert that it's impossible to do it without expensive components.

What is there to say now ? That BMW MS didn't have the expertise or skills ?
Because their components have a very small life expectancy with 415bhp on the race cousin of the S54, the P54B32.

Last but not least, can we stay on the subject which is about a BMW engine ?
Otherwise I will start posting pics and info of Superbike engines
Actually, if you look back I was actually trying to ascertain if people had actually achieved the claimed figures with the bolt on mods .

When Shimmy commented that there was a reason why a user who claimed to have 384bhp couldn't notice the difference compared to a standard one, I didn't beat about the bush, and suggested that a lot of the figures are pure BS. Unfortunately Shimmy would not confirm or deny this fact . IF the figure of 384bhp isn't pure BS, then it is not unreasonable to assume that an extra 16bhp could be found with head work, port matching and careful optimisation on the dyno (where you can experiment with the effects of swinging the cams to see what gives what improvements). However, if it is BS, then as previously accepted by me, the 400bhp for a standard spec CSL engine is pie in the sky :p.

The guy who maps my engines has already achieved 400bhp on an E46 race engine, BUT he has said that it lost a big portion of it's bottom end and wasn't suitable for a road car. However, the customer built the engine, so who knows what parts were in it.

There are many reasons why manufacturers have their hands tied regarding achieving figures (air restrictors / restrictions on modifications allowed). Ford only achieved 540bhp out of the Cosworth engine due to these reasons, yet aftermarket tuning companies have far exceeded this. So as to the reason for posting images of my own engine, I was using it as an examples of what not being constrained by rules and regulations can give, I don't deal in BS .

In the same way, if I was to build an S54 engine, I would not have my hands tied like BMW have and I've already been daydreaming about an ultimate spec engine, but until I come up with the £20k to build it, it will remain pure fantasy .

Rest assured if things do change, then I will be posting my findings here. I suspect that the first real eye-opener would be the true engine dyno figure that a standard CSL engine makes - I'd lay money it was quite a bit below the 355bhp claimed .

At the end of the day, I just want to have fun .
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Old 12-03-2013, 03:49 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by alexk View Post
I am also planning to prove that delimited CSLs are 370+bhp instead of 360bhp, but until I have the proof/data in my hands I prefer not to speculate about it everyday.
I too am really interested in this Alex, as mine was delimited from the factory. Nice work if you can find that out
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Old 12-03-2013, 04:12 PM   #48
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Mine was also delimited from the factory, it made 349 on Simpsons dyno dynamics dyno and never felt slow in a straight line compared to others, remapped or not.

I'll ask Simpsons if they ever had a standard CSL engine on the engine dyno, I know they had a de-vanos'd one but still on standard DME.
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Old 12-03-2013, 05:55 PM   #49
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Funny how the old 'search' facility never gets
a look in.

It been mentioned here several times that,

Std CSL Engine numbers are Optimistic, but
like all std Engines you get a few that exceed
but many that do not come up to the number.

Head- you will never gain 18 BHP out of a S54
head no matter what you do to it.
You will be extremly lucky if you see
anywhere near a double digit HP gain,
on head alone, no matter who is doing the
porting polishing and flow testing etc.

Cams, no real gains unless you up the
Std C/R and replace all the top end
valve train etc, gives the impression of
making a much more peaky engine, but
a large part of that is down to the engine
Rev Band being moved higher up and if
anything being made narrower.

Crank, about as good as it gets for a
out the box Crank, for sure all the
'Tuning Experts'' will tell you to knife
edge the Crank, but the L6 engine suffers
from substantial internal harmonics and
resonatates badly once the balance of the
engine is altered, hence why the Stroked
S54 Arrow Cranks that Vac sell are only
really good to around 7900/ 8000 rpm.
Several cases of stroked S54 revved to
8400 rpm that are no longer rotating.

Rods- the 'ice' cracked rods are very good
for 8300/8400 rpm, so changing them for
Forged Steel only gains a lighter wallet
and in most cases a 'Heavier' Rod than
the std ones.
Not much point paying 1k plus for a
nice set of Forged Steel rods that increase the
reciprocating mass, or 4k plus for a Ti
set that sounds great on the spec sheet.

Pistons, again very good, and not much
to be gained unless altering the CR of
the engine up to 12 or 12.5 CR which
brings with it, its own set of issues.

Block, std block at 4.5mm between bores is
about as low as you want to go for
reliability and longtevity as the heat soak
between bores, given the fast piston
speed, even with the Piston Oil squirters, can
cause the the block to distort.
Some go another 0.25 or even 0.5mm on
the overbore, but its reliability really
does start to suffer.
Its in part why the stroked S54 came about
as not much meat, to go sideways.

I think most of this infomation compilied
by many Members over the years
is availble by using the ''search'' facility.

S54 is what it is, a very good engine out the
box, but over the years the 'Tuning Bragging''
rights have pushed the alleged performance
numbers higher and higher, where you now
have some claiming to have more powerful
S54' s than the MS P54 M3 engine, which is
a complete different animal to what you
get in your S54, CSL included.

20k would not buy the head alone.


The Gorilla.
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Old 12-03-2013, 06:24 PM   #50
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I did suggest that the additional 16bhp would require head work AND a compression hike not just one or the other . I wouldn't want to go above 12:1 on a road engine.

Given the block thickness, I was thinking Nikasil steel liners and a spacer plate to raise the deck height to allow longer rods (as per the Skyline stroker kits ). This would at the very least retain the standard rod angle ratio (as the pistons already look like they're on the limit of pin height) as well as giving a capacity increase, which would then mean it wouldn't need to rev beyond 8k and you'd make gains everywhere .

I recon you could do a nice reliable 420-430bhp engine for £20k that way (that had the same rev limit as the OE item).

The standard length Arrow rods are actually 64g lighter than the stock items .

The £20k quoted is PLUS having the original engine, and you'd naturally have everything dynamically balanced to check the harmonics were okay (along with a damper if it was deemed necessary). I have a company that does this work for me .

The only issue that is that it would probably mean junking the stock ECU and running an aftermarket one, which then leads to non-genuine clocks etc. I was hoping that with my contacts, I could bring someone over from Germany to live map the standard ECU, but I haven't got that in depth yet .

Give me a chance, I haven't even got a car yet .
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