29-10-2015, 02:27 AM | #1 |
CSL Register Uber-poster!
Garage Refresh
*Gay Thread Alert*
We moved into our new house almost a year ago and whilst I was over the moon to have a double garage there was something niggling me regarding the CSL's resting place: the huge amount of concrete dust ever present no matter how often I swept it clean due to the concrete/breeze block construction. So, I decided to spruce the place up by painting the walls and garage floor whilst maximising storage for the CSL, car stuff, bikes, running machine and other assorted bits of shite that I had accumulated! I used the following: Sandtex Stabilising Solution & Sandtex Ultra Smooth Masonry Paint for the walls. Sandtex Stabilising Solution & Johnstone's Garage Floor Paint for the floor. Kenovo storage tracks to hang the bikes and garden tools. It ended up taking longer than planned as I work away from home a fair bit, but I am pleased with the results! Some photos before and after:
Cha'mone Mother F**ker! |