Originally Posted by GregorFuk
I'm just ribbing you a little. You stated that you didn't really care about about value etc then promptly deleted the pictures showing the car had taken a knock in a past life.
There is no doubt that the fact that your car has had a rear quarter will effect it's values. But as long as it has been done properly, should it matter? Probably not, it certainly won't effect how it drives, but that's how the market works. It's the same market that will dictate that my car with it's low millage replacement engine is worth less now than if it had the original block. But honestly what would you rather have, a 30K engine or an 85K engine?
All of the above is laughable when you see just how much 'original' car is left when some classics go for 'restoration'. You seem to be able to replace pretty much everything as long as the chassis plate remains in place. How many air cooled Porsches have had new quarters and sills I wonder?
I've said it before. These cars are now 12 years old at best and many have been used on track. Unless they have been kept in a bubble expect the unexpected. But an original paint & paneled car will always be worth more.
I know how it would have looked but really I didn't want to start an originality/value debate, but that's immediately where it went. I should have known better.
Nice post and I cant disagree.
Is the value affected, of course it is. That's why the previous owner immediately offloaded it when he found out.