Just a thought from personal experience. im looking for a system as well but havent decided what to get yet.
Avoid bullet cameras if you can, most of the swann systems are bullet cameras. A mate of mine had his Le mans blue edn X5 parked on his drive. a couple of toe rags came and pushed the camera up with a stick (as it is fixed on to a tilt type bracket ) and knicked his 20" alloys (which had 2 bmw locking bolts on each wheel) He came out in the morning to find his car on bricks and he lives in a nice part of north london. He claimed off his insurance and had a set of 4 brand new wheels fitted . Believe it or not they came and knicked em again!!!
I was also told to avoid fixed focus and make sure the cameras are varifocal.
another suggestion was to stretch to HD cameras if budget allows. but i think they are alot more money.