Originally Posted by Bealo
Here's a not very good pic of my 5 with the Cossie conversion
Not entirely sure if this old post will still be active and you'll see this or even infact.... how I've even happened across this, but wow memories are flooding back lol.. I was one of the first members (number 5 I think) of the r5toc I was north east representative, my car can be seen (just) it's the white phase one with the Ax gt spoiler on it...infact if memory serves me correct bealo Im sure I put you I touch with the lad who supplied the shell for your conversion
As you had the phase one in red and black....I attended the shows n meets with a few lads from up here you may remember foggy (raider) Daz Johnstone (red phase two later prima wide bodied) and my then girlfriend Tracy who I sold white phase one to and then bought a raider which I wide bodied..I'll hunt out some pics had my cars in revs, fast car and max power... Spent fortune on them...