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Old 07-11-2016, 07:29 PM   #1
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Default CSL or GT3 the age old question

Hello all

im having worrying thoughts about 911's again and just wanted to run some of my man maths past you to see if im being a silly sod or if its something I should run with as it might be my last chance for a while.

im getting married this weekend and after the ball busting out lay this has cost im weighing up my car options for the future and im sure kids will be knocking at my door in the next few years and then all obscene purchases like fast cars are out of the window for about 15-20 years and my brother once told me get your toys while you can!!!

so here's my thoughts

I could sell the CSL "with a heavy heart" and with the help from HSBC get my self into a 997 GT3.1 fine

but my question to you in the know is do you think with the whole brexit thing and all that the bottom is going to fall out of all this and my £80k GT3 will be worth £50k in the not to far future or are these machines still sought-after enough that they are going to hold up no matter what "within reason" happens?

or do you see cars like the CSL and GT3 only ever appreciate.

it has never really bothered me regarding the CSL as I bought it at it lowest point and have been lucky enough to ride the wave of appreciation
although it will hurt to buy a car at the top of its wave of appreciation if it had not been for the CSL raise I could never have afforded something like a GT3.

I know its not all about money but as mentioned I feel lucky enough to have owned a car that has risen in value and I don't want to blow it.

answers on a postcard please

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Old 07-11-2016, 07:42 PM   #2
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Fook knows on values mate.

But first, congratulations on the big day and second, do what you can, when you can ! If it's within grasp and an ambition to get into Pork, I think you've already answered your own question !
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Old 07-11-2016, 08:56 PM   #3
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thanks very much mate,
i havent been on here much over the last few months but im going to try and get out for a few bevs for the xmas doo,

its more of a change thing really i love cars as we all do and i want to experiance lots of different ones,

the CSL has been one of the best cars i have owned and dont want to sell it but obvs cant own both,

none of this will happen untill spring anyway just looking for some guidance.


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Old 07-11-2016, 09:51 PM   #4
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Congratulations on your wedding (I had mine 2 month ago). :-)

I am a bit in the same situation as you.

I would love a 997, but in GTS form, since values seem to be closer to the CSL.

I think I will keep the CSL in the end. Despite being disappointed with modern BMWs, I am still a BMW fan and the CSL is more practical and could even get used if the family gets bigger.

All the best,
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Old 07-11-2016, 09:57 PM   #5
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Brexit has caused a lull in the classic car market and GT3's have come down in price . Having had one before I would definitely say buy one while you can it's a great car.
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Old 07-11-2016, 10:38 PM   #6
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Hi thanks for the comments,

I was also looking into the GTS it's a great looking car fully loaded as well!!

I'm more inclined to the GT3 as I feel it will hold its price more and if I'm taking out a loan to make up the short fall I don't want to be paying of money that I won't have any chance of seeing back if you know what I mean.
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Old 07-11-2016, 10:57 PM   #7
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Hi mate
I did the marriage thing 7 years ago followed by twin boys 5 years ago, since the boys I've only put 5 thou on the Csl so you could say they've made me money, as for the gt3 lovely car but I don't thing I could part my csl.
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Old 07-11-2016, 11:20 PM   #8
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If you can comfortably afford the CSL but would have to stretch yourself and get into debt to buy a GT3 I'd honestly stick with the CSL. As someone who works in the oil industry I can tell you that you never know when things may start to slide and it's always easier to hold onto something that's already bought and paid for.
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Old 08-11-2016, 09:42 AM   #9
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Congrats on the big day

So as I waved goodbye to the CSL a few years ago, after 4 plus superb years of ownership my sadness was diluted somewhat due to the incoming GT3 7.1.

In a nut shell, GT3 was a great great car and I'm glad I ticked the ownership box, but I miss my CSL, the end.

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Old 08-11-2016, 09:43 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by GregorFuk View Post
If you can comfortably afford the CSL but would have to stretch yourself and get into debt to buy a GT3 I'd honestly stick with the CSL. As someone who works in the oil industry I can tell you that you never know when things may start to slide and it's always easier to hold onto something that's already bought and paid for.
So true

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