im new to this site is first news flash second is that i dont own a csl

however dont dispare looking at many of the cars on this site i have been looking after them for you for years . My name is Gareth and i have been a technician for Murketts for the last 7 years ( some of you i have met but i mainly stuck in the workshop ). I was overwelmed for all the kind messages that many of you left for Andy Pressland i am so glad that he was appriciated by you guys for all his hard work and i no this is late reply but thank you for coming to his funeral it was a great turn out , he is definatly missed ...
Second news flash i have left Murketts and joined Elms BMW Cambridge they have just moved to a brand new purpose built site in Cambourne just outside cambridge . What can i say it looks so nice and shiny i couldnt say no . I do miss working on your cars now tho so if you would like me to continue maintaining them for you come over to Elms and ask for Gareth to work on your car . Rob Sawford is the after sales manager and has asured me he will support me in anyway so you guys can recieve the service you deserve by someone who no's your cars. If you choose to stay with Murketts i hope they continue to keep you guys happy .