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Old 10-05-2011, 06:07 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by alexk View Post
shimmy, I am no pro but the family biz is bmw cars.
I have seen in the past many issues in BMWs that started with the viscus fan or water pump.
As lawsy said, then it's a chain.

I don't want to doubt what you are saying, but I find this strange.

Lawsy says :
The hg can fail between the 2 cylinders which increases cylinder temps, which in turn will increase water temps. Which in turn can then cause the HG to fail more so, its a viscious circle.

Why if we have compression loss between 2 cylinders, the temp rises ?
I would expect the knocking sensors will detect this and adjust the ignition and injection.
The car would run very poorly etc.

I will take out my spark plugs today and also run the diagnostic to see for any strange knocking/compression values between the cylinders and update you.

PS : I am not rulling out the HG but at 84k km and always using good fuel, low env temperatures, never had a knocking failure and the water temp decreasing after stops from the autobahn, I find it unlikely that my car has a HG issue
Try the stat first Alex

Simple and cheap, try the motorsport or tropical one
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