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Old 01-06-2010, 08:21 PM   #78
S5, Sport On, DSC M-track
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Great weekend, much merriment and a top crowd, plenty of solutions and even man training! (On track I might add)

I think there was a brief spot of driving, but just a distant memory. Weather was shite and oilspills galore (BP Sponsored?) so that put a downer on things. MLR Day was sold to too many people, I'd rather have paid more for less cars, although I would have expected less cars for the same money. The Noise testing/queueing was a massive pain in the arse. Still Spa in the dry was mega!

Great to meet so many more peeps. Up for another venture out, Dazza mentioned beginning of August. Ringing & Beerings!

As for the Evo, I think the general consensus is the guy had been showboating, and had spun several times (Not seen by my own eyes tho) Does sound to me like he took the corner wide and accelerated whislt on the rumblestrip (not showboating, would have powered earlier) Have had my car spit me out whilst going in a straight line before (Traction off... ahem) fortunately ended up pointing the right way and carried on. Gutted for the M3 driver, all that queueing for 10 seconds on track with car not driveable. Anyone know if he got it going.

Much Luv
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