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Old 01-06-2010, 11:58 AM   #10
CSL Register Uber-poster!
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Moon Lander Champion! Ragdoll Master Champion!
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1000% agree with Rich - epic weekend guys...

Good company, driving, banter, steaks and booze...good to put faces to names/usernames.

Big thanks to Terryb, Shimmy and Rich for the pax laps blagged / advice on line etc was extremely useful and helped me out massively (don't think I missed anyone !) and all others for advice in the garage at Spa ....very helpful for the new boy...

Apologies again to David...but lets not go there again

btw - if anyone did catch a picture of me on track can you pls PM it to me prior to posting so I can photoshop it to show at least a slight blur in the background

I have some pics that I'll post up but they're not all that....Bealo, have got a few seconds of shakey vid footage (compact camera) of you in Darth Vader, on it down the pit straight and around La Source. Let me know if you want it (zorst sounds good )

and finally Bounce, when in Rome.....

Bounce at Breakfast on day 1 : So, do you do a Full English ?

Sabines sister ?? (in deadpan voice): Full English ? NEIN, you are in Germany now !!!!

Got the 4 more CCI insured track days to use this year, so will start picking off the UK tracks...

Cheers boys

Last edited by Yanto; 01-06-2010 at 12:18 PM.
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