Here here

an epic weekend has been had, brim full of SOLUTIONS

I got home @ 11 pm after CSL/Z4M Convoy Solutions with Flatout & Shimmy, with some Tunnel Solutions

thrown in for good measure.
Great we could share the place @ Spa, me being the other half ticket holder

Sorry for the small diversion we had on my fifth lap ever @ Spa, which was instantly rectified by semi slick Tyre Solutions for the short but ever so sweet dry spell we had mid afternoon.
Cant wait for Picture Solutions from Andrew

Originally Posted by mole
Got home midnight last night after a detour via Brussels for some chocolate and beer solutions (and dinner) with TMAQ.
Such an amazing weekend - the weather (although wasn't ideal) didn't affect how much fun was had
Glad I managed to get a (half) place at Spa - although for the wrong reasons 
My co-driver took loads of pics of a lot of you that he'll get uploaded in the next few days.
Great to meet even more faces over the weekend, and here's to the next one
