Thread: Gallardo?
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Old 20-05-2013, 11:10 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Craig View Post
Came close to buying at the same time Matt, the reason I've always not took the plunge is the costs as like you say to buy is one thing, to run is another... a lot of the mechanicals are Audi (body and trim Lambo) so was hoping I could cross reference parts and do a lot of the spanner work myself.
I bet you were attracted by the lowish purchase price these were back in 2009, like me Engine & gearbox are still Lambo and they were assembeled by disgruntled Italians, resisting the NEW Germanic AUDI way Try doing the clutch change on one of these yourself Engine out job IIRC + it would hit it's residual hard if you tried to service it your self and then attempt to sell it on without Official Lambo Service stamps in the book. Not worth it IMHO.

Originally Posted by Craig View Post
Would a GT3 be a safer bet, or have equally large running costs? I'm in 9,564 different minds as to what to buy it ranges from cheap track fun, to middle of the range sports cars which I can afford to run and drive as I like right through to mental supercars which I would probably always be worried about getting a large bills with.
Fast Pork like 911 GT2, GT3 RS, non RS & Turbos are always a safer bet then any Italian Supercars and you can enjoy them on & off Track, in equal measures.
I'm not saying Porsche are cheep to service, just not as expensive as Italian Super Cars and generally they are more reliable with much longer service intervals I don't know much about LOTUS so I've not much to add on that front.
What's happened to the Red Shed ? She looked splendid last time I saw her

UK CSL No.020 ... after 7 years of ownership I've now SOLD it !!!
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