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Old 13-01-2013, 10:39 PM   #124
S5 - Full Throttle
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Thought I best update this thread as it’s been quite awhile since I have, in fact it’s been quite awhile since I’ve used the car too!

First off, the reasons for not updating this thread are described in the next picture;

Yes, bricks and mortar!

Basically I bought a house that ‘needed a quick spruce up’ this very quickly turned into gut the whole thing and start again. So, over the last few months I’ve fitted new internal doors, external doors, windows, French doors, re-pointed, re-plumbed and fitted new radiators to the whole house as well as rip out all the old decor and start again!

Obviously all this work has took up any spare time I was to have to spend on the BMW, and it’s still not done just yet but give it 6-weeks and it’ll be there.

One of the main plans, and the reason why I bought this specific house was because of the potential for a 3 car drive and an oversized double garage, again I was expecting to do this in the fall but the house work put the brakes on those plans.

So, before knocking down the old garage I thought the best thing to do was utilise the old for now and get the BMW ready for some 2013 track days;

There she is, in all her purple and red glory.

Plans, well same as I planned last winter and never got round to; re-build the back axel and run some new brake lines, and of course paint it red again. Nothing too exciting but really looking forward to spending some time on the old girl, not to mention driving her!
VAG Cars - - North East VAG Owners Club
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