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Old 15-11-2012, 02:20 PM   #1
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Default 2013 Euro trip - Attendees from Ireland.

Following on from the main thread:

Originally Posted by shimmy
BMW are just trying to put together a trAckday either side of the Munich dates so just holding out for them before going mad.

I have copied relevant posts from above so this post summarises where we are.
Ok, so the provisional dates are 25-28 May 2013 (Bank Holiday weekend in the UK)

Munich days within that are Sunday 26th and Monday 27th May with travel and trackday(s) being arranged for the 25th or 28th or both.

I am currently looking for hotel options in Munich for 2 nights for a group booking, arrival late saturday 25th and depart late afternoon on the 27th

SO BOOK THIS OUT IN YOUR DIARIES NOW and look out for the new thread when i get my BMW reply and my act together

Provisional CSL Attendees (65 maybe, 2 unlikely, 8 other cars)

@ The Irish guys

1. MKoop
2. Barry C (unlikely)
3. LeinsCSL
4. Niall1
5. Chrisburns
6. Sailorbaz
Originally Posted by shimmy View Post
From last experience I would avoid big convoys, pref less than 5 cars but definitely keep it under 10.

Just for your info my plan is to arrange from dinner Saturday 7pm in Munich say to around Tuesday 6pm after the trAckday where we go our one separate ways.

That means smaller groups can arrange their own travel to and from Munich/Saltzburg from those times after the New Year (I would not book anything that is not changeable until then). Groups can rrnage to drive out Friday and do the Ring Saturday or do a Euro trip after the trAckday, alternatively travel out direct Saturday via Chunnel or the Hull Love Boat and travel back overnight to get to work.

I would recommend that each group/area set up their own thread in the Events section.
Has anyone had any thoughts on what route to take? Would the plan be to go via the UK and meet up with the Engerland etc. guys and travel together to Munich?
Too many cars..
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