Thread: Ring BTG Times
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Old 02-03-2012, 01:34 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Funkster View Post
Guys, Not wanting to start a Willy Waving contest as I've only ever done 5 laps of the place and it does scare the shite outta me, but I was just wondering what sort of BTG times have been achieved.

I know the official is a 7.50 on the full track but quite a few of you seem to of done a few trips now so I'm just interested whats possible.

A good friend of mine has been attending the ring for quite few years in different cars & is debating moving to a CSL so he has curious interest also.

As I said, just interested what you guys have managed, Im no ringer But I am interested, Matty.
Learn the layout of the track, and dont follow the line of the Armco at Adenau Forst, that will take most of DN 2012 !! then focus on tidying it up a bit as regards turn in and braking points, etc., by then the lap time will naturally come to you, and then you can look at growing bigger balls and doing all of the above faster .... and braking later !
I never time myself, one of the first promises I made to my body, the lap is what it is at the time, be it fast, or slow, traffic or yellow flags, albeit that AFTER the laps/day, I can review my times.
" I use Gleaming Kleen.... for that new car look "

I wish I had used - Race Data Systems - Motorsport Data Loggers forgive me Nathan !

Last edited by DuncanR; 02-03-2012 at 01:36 PM.
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