In response to this.... I can 100% guarantee that the car has never seen a track under my ownership. I drive a couple of race cars, so I've never had any desire to put my road car on the track.
As far as the nurburg sticker and AP brakes go - these were on the car when I bought it, so the only mod I have done myself are the paddles, which I think have a much better feel than standard. I still have the OEM ones, which will obviously be included.
I bought the car from Murketts, and at the time of purchase, I had a long chat with Andy Pressland about the car (he personally knew the previous owner) He told me that the car had done one trip to the nurburg but only 1-2 laps were completed due to the owner loosing his bottle in the bad weather! Obviously I cannot gurantee this is the case, but Andy was a very honest and genuine guy and I dont doubt it for a minute. I left the sticker on the car.
I am more than happy for any prospective buyer to have whatever engine/other inspections carried out, provided it is done by BMW. Apologies to Jay for taking 48 hours to respond to his question, but i was out of the country!
It may have done 107K but it's had an easy life compared to most CSL's, always serviced on time by BMW, and with the front end re-spray and wheel refurb done, I think you'd be very hard pressed to find a better example for anything close to this money