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Neil M 11-02-2013 02:37 PM

Commemorative Polo
1 Attachment(s)
The CSL Register 10th Anniversary Polo Shirt ‘The Homecoming – 2013' Commemorative Polo Shirt is now available to order.

These shirts have been commissioned using a different Polo as the base shirt, manufactured by 'Kustom-Kit' the Track Polo KK-475 is Black with Grey side panels. Poly/Cotton 35/65% mix for a more tailored fit, better washing and shape retention.

The design of the shirt is loosely based on the original 09 issue, with a slightly revised CSL Car Motif and Tricolour M Sport Logo with Register URL beneath (as per the original)
with some additional embroidered features:
  1. Nurburgring ‘Homecoming – 2013’ logo on left sleeve
  2. Tricolour M Sport Logo and CSL Register URL on the right sleeve.
  3. National Flag with ‘Username’ ) and Register URL beneath, embroidered on the back (between the shoulders)
  4. Powered by Tricolour M Sport Logo on back (base of shirt)
You will need to confirm your: Size, Username (as it appears on the Register) and Country, so that I can produce the graphic to be embroidered.
Please bare in mind the length of your username (please see: http://www.cslregister.com/forum/album.php?albumid=242)
Any changes to your existing Username for any reason please let me know, PM's preferred to keep the thread tidy.
Also can you PM me with your full postal details - many thanks

Small: 36-38"
Medium: 40-42"
Large: 42”- 44”
XLarge: 44”- 46”
XXLarge: 46”- 48”

Female sizes are also available: 8, 10, 12, 14, 16

The Price is yet to be confirmed and is largely dependent on quantity ordered but I would anticipate it being c. £30 plus post.

As this is a Limited Edition Shirt it will not be available again, last orders have to be received by the 8th April to stand a chance of being manufactured and posted out in time for the Trip.

Thought I better add to save any confusion:
I am not a business and there is no element of profit included in whatever the final price will be, what you pay is what it will have already cost me + a nominal charge to cover postage and packing.

Alx 11-02-2013 06:29 PM

I'm interested! :-)

Thank you for setting this up Neil!

Equinox 11-02-2013 06:44 PM

Neil, that looks smart I like it, not a t-shirt but looks smart all the same

sailorbaz 11-02-2013 07:30 PM

I'm interested too Neil, PM coming your way mate.

Top work,

s1csl 11-02-2013 08:14 PM

Hi Neil that looks good let me know when you are ready and i will have one , size 40/44 large, username S1CSL, country England , would be a good idea to put the lap time what the csl did round the ring on the shirt somewhere as this is what the car was famous for, only a idea , things are looking good cant wait, regards john

Neil M 11-02-2013 10:37 PM

I think the 'Ring' logo could accommodate a lap time without much alteration, 7:50, if I'm not mistaken?:thumbs: Thanks John, that's another good idea, I didn't have :hahaha: Back to the drawing board.

steveH 11-02-2013 10:45 PM

There great Neil.
My details for your record
Size - Large, Username - steveH, county - Derbyshire
Let me knoe when / how to pay.
Thanks steveH


Originally Posted by Neil M (Post 134905)
The CSL Register 10th Anniversary Polo Shirt ‘The Homecoming – 2013' Commemorative Polo Shirt is now available to order.

These shirts have been commissioned using a different Polo as the base shirt, Black with Grey side panels. Poly/Cotton 35/65% mix for a more tailored fit, better washing and shape retention.

The design of the shirt is loosely based on the original 09 issue shirt, with a slightly revised CSL Car Motif and Tricolour M Sport Logo with Register URL beneath (as per the original)
with some additional embroidered features:
  1. Nurburgring ‘Homecoming – 2013’ logo on left sleeve
  2. Tricolour M Sport Logo and CSL Register URL on the right sleeve.
  3. National Flag with ‘Username’ and Register URL beneath, embroidered on the back (between the shoulders)
  4. Powered by Tricolour M Sport Logo on back (base of shirt)
You will need to confirm your: Size, Username and Country, so that I can produce the graphic to be embroidered.
Please bare in mind the length of your username (please see: http://www.cslregister.com/forum/album.php?albumid=242)

Sizes available:
Small 36/38"
Medium 38/40"
Large 40/44"
XLarge 44/46"

The Price is yet to be confirmed and is largely dependent on quantity ordered but I would anticipate it being c. £30 plus post.

Female sizes are also available: 8, 10, 12, 14, 16

giraffe 11-02-2013 11:21 PM

They do look good best have one so people no who i am :-D, not that they wont see all the stickered up car im in ( still dont no what it willbe yet ).
Size medium , username giraffe ,country England .

AlexGTT 11-02-2013 11:38 PM

Good work Neil. Definately have one please. Details on PM.:beer:

LeinsCSL 11-02-2013 11:41 PM

Looks good Neil, top work! :thumbs:

Can you put me down for one please? PM on way

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