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mole 01-06-2010 09:37 AM

What an epic weekend (Ring/Spa)
Got home midnight last night after a detour via Brussels for some chocolate and beer solutions (and dinner) with TMAQ.

Such an amazing weekend - the weather (although wasn't ideal) didn't affect how much fun was had :thumbs:

Glad I managed to get a (half) place at Spa - although for the wrong reasons :bigcry::bigcry:

My co-driver took loads of pics of a lot of you that he'll get uploaded in the next few days.

Great to meet even more faces over the weekend, and here's to the next one :beer:


csl_mba 01-06-2010 10:16 AM

What happened at Spa? Only asked cos a bunch of my mates went

phat///M3 01-06-2010 10:25 AM

Nice pics, looks like good fun.

mattCSLnut 01-06-2010 10:29 AM

Here here :thumbs: an epic weekend has been had, brim full of SOLUTIONS :beer:
I got home @ 11 pm after CSL/Z4M Convoy Solutions with Flatout & Shimmy, with some Tunnel Solutions :whistle: thrown in for good measure.

Great we could share the place @ Spa, me being the other half ticket holder :thumbs: Sorry for the small diversion we had on my fifth lap ever @ Spa, which was instantly rectified by semi slick Tyre Solutions for the short but ever so sweet dry spell we had mid afternoon.

Cant wait for Picture Solutions from Andrew :smt041:smt041:smt041


Originally Posted by mole (Post 55579)
Got home midnight last night after a detour via Brussels for some chocolate and beer solutions (and dinner) with TMAQ.

Such an amazing weekend - the weather (although wasn't ideal) didn't affect how much fun was had :thumbs:

Glad I managed to get a (half) place at Spa - although for the wrong reasons :bigcry::bigcry:

My co-driver took loads of pics of a lot of you that he'll get uploaded in the next few days.

Great to meet even more faces over the weekend, and here's to the next one :beer:


_Nathan_ 01-06-2010 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by csl_mba (Post 55585)
What happened at Spa? Only asked cos a bunch of my mates went

Some talentless mong lost control of his evo at la source and t boned someone as they were leaving the pits minding their own business.

mattCSLnut 01-06-2010 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by _Nathan_ (Post 55588)
Some talentless mong lost control of his evo at la source and t boned someone as they were leaving the pits minding their own business.

Yeah... that was TOTALLY MINDLESS ... the poor, totally innocent German guy got his E46 M3 badly damaged after 30 minute wait in the pits and less then 10 seconds on the track he got whipped out by the UK Evo Numpty who was trying, badly I may add, to show boat. A friend of mine has the whole accident on Video, from start to finish, which very clearly shows how & why.

AlexGTT was VERY lucky as he was the car in front of the German M3 as they pulled out of the pits.

_Nathan_ 01-06-2010 10:44 AM

Said German M3 is a mate of mine, not a good day for him.

mattCSLnut 01-06-2010 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by _Nathan_ (Post 55590)
Said German M3 is a mate of mine, not a good day for him.

Poor guy :smt085 I saw the damage up close :119: seems quite extensive. I really feel for him as he was totally innocent, trying to have a good time.
Did we meet yesterday ? :smt017

_Nathan_ 01-06-2010 11:28 AM

Nah, I couldn't make it, would've loved to have been there.

Yanto 01-06-2010 11:58 AM

1000% agree with Rich - epic weekend guys...

Good company, driving, banter, steaks and booze...good to put faces to names/usernames.

Big thanks to Terryb, Shimmy and Rich for the pax laps blagged / advice on line etc :thumbs::thumbs:....it was extremely useful and helped me out massively (don't think I missed anyone !) and all others for advice in the garage at Spa :thumbs: ....very helpful for the new boy...

Apologies again to David...but lets not go there again :hahaha::hahaha:

btw - if anyone did catch a picture of me on track can you pls PM it to me prior to posting so I can photoshop it to show at least a slight blur in the background :whistle:

I have some pics that I'll post up but they're not all that....Bealo, have got a few seconds of shakey vid footage (compact camera) of you in Darth Vader, on it down the pit straight and around La Source. Let me know if you want it (zorst sounds good ;))

and finally Bounce, when in Rome.....

Bounce at Breakfast on day 1 : So, do you do a Full English ?

Sabines sister ?? (in deadpan voice): Full English ? NEIN, you are in Germany now !!!! :hahaha::hahaha: :hahaha::hahaha:

Got the bug...got 4 more CCI insured track days to use this year, so will start picking off the UK tracks...

Cheers boys :beer::beer: :beer:

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