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DuncanR 10-03-2010 01:45 PM

Be critical of my website please
Mods , burn me and delete this if not to your liking, but as you all tend to be highly intelligent, business mined, sensible people on here I wondered if I may be cheeky and ask you to comment on my new website www.projectorlifting.co.uk which went live a little while ago.
Post on here or directly to me at duncan@projectorlifting.co.uk

I would value your sensible ...honest ...opinions !!:thumbs:
So the following neednt bother replying Shim, Tankslapper,Glendog, Dazza,MattCSLnut,Lawsy,Hazy,Bounce,Dan, AlexK, NorthernJim ... argh bollox :banghead:... CSLgirl, you just tell me what you think please !!:bigcry:

Seriously guys, i need people not associated with my Industry to comment if possible...or if you can be arsed !!:hahaha:

Bugger, just remembered, im off to Tenergrief for a week tomoz, so you wont get any comments back from me ,enjoy the break from my juvenile humour !

northernjim 10-03-2010 01:58 PM

did the lads working on case study No3 get to keep the scrap;):whistle:

DuncanR 10-03-2010 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by northernjim (Post 46102)
did the lads working on case study No3 get to keep the scrap;):whistle:

Yes I did Jim ! I had to split it 50/50 with her Majesty though :thumbs:

Bugger, threads already gone to $h!t on first post !:banghead:
Jim? your names going on the list !:hahaha:;)

Fasteddie 10-03-2010 02:22 PM

I'm no proffesional website designer but I would say the logos that have been used scream low res and look cheap (fork lift truck, 'call us today', the P logo top left and some of the pic's) Also the Banner at the top is WAY to deep, when you click through the various options almost nothing changes this all need to shrink down or be moved so when the screen re-loads you actually see the screen content change to invit epeople to read the bit they selected without having to scroll down each time. I haven't read any content as I have even less of a clue about what you do and I'm no proof reader. Hope that's OK

Paul Eggleton 10-03-2010 02:25 PM

I think it looks very good Duncan. My only comment would be to lose some of the cheesy comments e.g. "Whilst Projector didn’t play to a full house … their performance was outstanding"

I think these detract from what is a very professional looking site.

Oh and get the HSE stuff up asap as this is what most folk will look for straight away for this type of work:thumbs:

glendog74 10-03-2010 03:03 PM

Looks good in the main Duncan. I have a few observations:

1. I noticed (just as you do on here) that you like to overdo the use of CAPITAL letters in some of the text:


“When You Need Help With Factory Plant Removals, Moving Large Machinery, Machine Handling or Equipment Handling…

…Projector Lifting Service Ltd Will Give You A First Rate Service, Every Single Time”
2. The links to the photos show duplicated images.

3. There seems to be a lot of use of "..." after a many statements...!

4. Avoid humour references as they detract from the professional nature of the site, e.g.


The Operations Manager for Projector Lifting Service Ltd, Paul Wrighting, has just completed a project his colleagues have been hassling him about for a long time ... He lifted the kettle and filled some cups. Managing Director Duncan Rogers stated "It was amazing to watch and so unexpected ... he's never done it before, we're all so very proud of him. Our only regret is that we didn't get a photograph or better still video!" Unfortunately, Mr Wrighting was unavailable for comment.
5. Use a common type font throughout - rather than different ones as used on the text example above taken from the 'Latest News' links on the main page!

6. Avoid waffling - again it detracts from the professional nature of the site, e.g.


To cut a long story short

It may seem a little sad to some that we can still get excited about lifting and installing after all this time

Hope this helps?


TANKSLAPPER 10-03-2010 03:04 PM

Lifting company my asre THEY Call them TAXi' s where I come from :blalalala:


I type this with THE CAPS lock on so DUNCAN CAN understand IT :thumbs:

DazBlackCSL 10-03-2010 03:05 PM


cslgirl 10-03-2010 03:48 PM

Looks good to me.

All I have to say is... who is the hunk sitting on the machine thingy on the homepage?:whistle:

DuncanR 10-03-2010 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Fasteddie (Post 46113)
I'm no proffesional website designer but I would say the logos that have been used scream low res and look cheap (fork lift truck, 'call us today', the P logo top left and some of the pic's) Also the Banner at the top is WAY to deep, when you click through the various options almost nothing changes this all need to shrink down or be moved so when the screen re-loads you actually see the screen content change to invit epeople to read the bit they selected without having to scroll down each time. I haven't read any content as I have even less of a clue about what you do and I'm no proof reader. Hope that's OK

Thanks Eddie, just the kind of sensible feedback im looking for :thumbs: .... T$ & others take note !

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