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GregorFuk 21-08-2018 10:47 PM

GregorFuk's Parts Clear Out
So after four amazing years in a CSL I’ve decided to move on and try something fresh before the internal combustion engine is consigned to the dustbin and we're all left driving washing machines.

During my four years of ownership I made a habit of picking up CSL specific parts that I thought it would be handy to have a spare of. Naturally these are no longer required and I’d like to offer them up to register members before I stick them up on Cutters and eBay. So up for grabs I have:

Rear Camber Arms / Lower wishbones x 2: Picked these up second hand from Simpson Motorsport when the were NLA from BMW. New they are £465 a pop, I’ll sell for £230 + Postage each.
YouTube video added: https://youtu.be/Thiw_nuu1v0

Indoor Cover - Sold

Original brakes - Sold

Front Bumper - Sold

Rear Seats - Sold

Roof Rails - Sold

PM to discuss any of the above.



///mikey 23-08-2018 03:58 AM

Interested in the roof rails and rear seats. PM sent!

jairrel 23-08-2018 06:30 AM

Pics of the cover please...


NZ_M3 23-08-2018 07:41 AM

Dibs on the bumper!!!! Pictures please!

GregorFuk 23-08-2018 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by NZ_M3 (Post 203867)
Dibs on the bumper!!!! Pictures please!

Sure. I'll need to get it down from the rafters of my loft and I'm out on my mountain bike tonight so you might have to wait till tomorrow evening.

But if you can trust the description you already know what your going to see. :)

GregorFuk 23-08-2018 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by jairrel (Post 203865)
Pics of the cover please...



jairrel 24-08-2018 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by GregorFuk (Post 203872)

Thank you for the pic, but I prefer a darkest car cover.

Good luck!

Yanto 24-08-2018 08:20 AM

Gregor - is the inside of cover lined ? E.g Micro fibre or Fleece ?

GregorFuk 24-08-2018 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Yanto (Post 203874)
Gregor - is the inside of cover lined ? E.g Micro fibre or Fleece ?

Yes it is. It’s nice and thick, far better than OEM from the likes of Porsche.

CraigMillwardCroft 24-08-2018 05:23 PM

Very nice, very posh :thumbs:

GregorFuk 25-08-2018 12:33 PM

Original post now updated with YouTube videos.

Dr M3an M3 27-08-2018 07:25 PM

Finally, I got my account sorted so that I can post! OE CSL Bumper is all mine!! Thanks Gregor. :smt055:beer:

NZ_M3 27-08-2018 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Dr M3an M3 (Post 203883)
Finally, I got my account sorted so that I can post! OE CSL Bumper is all mine!! Thanks Gregor. :smt055:beer:

Stolen from under my nose - can’t say I am impressed!

Was organising shipping ect with my local guy and ready to send funds over then get a message to say this was sold despite being promised as first in queue.

Only an hour between messages also with seller also was putting kids to bed due to time zone difference.

Really unimpressed. Buyers beware!

ZKMI 28-08-2018 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by Dr M3an M3 (Post 203883)
Finally, I got my account sorted so that I can post! OE CSL Bumper is all mine!! Thanks Gregor. :smt055:beer:

Cheap as well!

knoxville 28-08-2018 04:39 AM

I'll have the roof rails. PM incoming...

MrCB 29-08-2018 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by NZ_M3 (Post 203884)
Stolen from under my nose - can’t say I am impressed!

Was organising shipping ect with my local guy and ready to send funds over then get a message to say this was sold despite being promised as first in queue.

Only an hour between messages also with seller also was putting kids to bed due to time zone difference.

Really unimpressed. Buyers beware!

What was the price?

GregorFuk 29-08-2018 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by NZ_M3 (Post 203884)
Stolen from under my nose - can’t say I am impressed!

Was organising shipping ect with my local guy and ready to send funds over then get a message to say this was sold despite being promised as first in queue.

Only an hour between messages also with seller also was putting kids to bed due to time zone difference.

Really unimpressed. Buyers beware!

Sorry I feel I need to respond to this.

You can be sore that you missed out the bumper, that's fine. But saying "buyers beware" is simply out of order.

I have had a lot of 'interest' in my parts but the only metric I have for separating the serious buyers from those that are simply scratching their chin and having a good think is money hitting my PayPal account. I had an option of a no questions asked payment in full sale Vs someone expressing interest but with no payment made, not even a deposit.

I am sorry you feel cheated, but the fairest way for me to sell these items is that they go to the first person who puts up the cash. Simple.

monkeycsl 29-08-2018 08:24 PM

Sorry you missed out NZ M3 you are a true gent.
I remember you saying you wanted the bumper almost straight away.
Do what I done just buy another csl.
All the bits in one hit.

NZ_M3 29-08-2018 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by GregorFuk (Post 203893)
Sorry I feel I need to respond to this.

You can be sore that you missed out the bumper, that's fine. But saying "buyers beware" is simply out of order.

I have had a lot of 'interest' in my parts but the only metric I have for separating the serious buyers from those that are simply scratching their chin and having a good think is money hitting my PayPal account. I had an option of a no questions asked payment in full sale Vs someone expressing interest but with no payment made, not even a deposit.

I am sorry you feel cheated, but the fairest way for me to sell these items is that they go to the first person who puts up the cash. Simple.

I feel I need to respond to this also as it isn’t how this went down and I stand by my buyer beware comment.

It is not about being sore and losing out, it is about being a man of your words and you are unfortunately not sir!!!

Fair about wanting money in the account, and as a buyer also fair for me to ask questions first before I make that deposit which you requested to be “by gift” giving the buyer no recourse if it all goes tits up during shipping.

Your message to me was “you are first in line but I want this sold” without stating when you need me to make a decision by.

My immediate response to this was one last question before I send funds over - how much to ship to Brighton? To which you responded and again with no indication of a deadline but a put the money in the account and we will sort shipping out later - It was 8pm - ish my time when this all occurred, so I quickly messaged Alex (he can confirm this) to double check the pricing for shipping the bumper to me to NZ. I then even enquired with Alex if he could have his courier grab this for me from Scotland to which he replied he could. Given it was still early in the UK I figured I will get back to you before noon as I had to put two unruly toddlers to bed!

I noticed after I had done so and after all that arranging with Alex you had send me a message 42 minutes later to say bumper sold without even offering to say I need to make payment right now - not even a chance to do it.

I probably would go as far as to say you deserve a ban if I controlled this forum.

C///M 30-08-2018 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by GregorFuk (Post 203859)
So after four amazing years in a CSL I’ve decided to move on and try something fresh before the internal combustion engine is consigned to the dustbin and we're all left driving washing machines.
During my four years of ownership I made a habit of picking up CSL specific parts that I thought it would be handy to have a spare off. Naturally these are no longer required and I’d like to offer them up to register members before I stick them up on Cutters and eBay. So up for grabs I have:

Front Bumper - Sold

Rear Seats: Only 1 minor mark to the rubber coating. Centre console unmarked and un-cracked. - £1750 + Postage

Rear Camber Arms / Lower wishbones x 2: Picked these up second hand from Simpson Motorsport when the were NLA from BMW. New they are £465 a pop, I’ll sell for £230 + Postage each.
YouTube video added: https://youtu.be/Thiw_nuu1v0

Roof rails: Brand new from BMW, never out of the box. Figured I’d need a set if I ever went for a total or roof respray. And having remove a set from the car I can confidently say they are nearly impossible to remove without bending / kinking them. £224 each new from BMW, I’ll sell for £112 + Postage
YouTube video added: https://youtu.be/WwNzTmptLvs

Indoor Cover: CSL specific, made by Classic Additions. White / Blue with BMW roundel. Comes with bag. PM and I can send pics. £190 + Postage

Original brakes. Callipers and carriers, in need of a refurb: Make me an offer.

PM to discuss any of the above.




Cslbirmingham 08-09-2018 09:59 AM

Pm sent regarding indoor cover

GregorFuk 10-09-2018 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Cslbirmingham (Post 203952)
Pm sent regarding indoor cover

WhatsApp sent

Dr M3an M3 14-09-2018 11:57 PM

Even though GregorFuk has sold his CSL and moved on to the Porsche world...I feel that he is owed a public review based on my experience since his character came into question.

TLDR: This is the best private seller I have ever done business with. He went above and beyond, literally every step of the way.

The FS Ad:
GregorFuk's for sale ad was very thorough. Unlike most, whom only post pictures. Gregor went above and beyond by uploading a full video recording of the bumper I purchased, pointing out every flaw (and lack their of) in what he was selling. A picture is worth a thousand words...a video is worth more. This is the first time I have had a seller upload a video. I knew EXACTLY what I was getting and the item arrived EXACTLY as described. Top notch.

Very SMOOTH. Payment was instant on my behalf and he NEVER once requested that I forego PayPal Protection via paying by "Friend's and Family." I paid via "Goods and Services" with full buyer protection. Top notch and hassel free. No games. No BS.

- Literally some of the best I've had experience with from a seller.
- He provided screenshots of every payment received (initial purchase + shipping cost).
- Without needing my request, he provided pictures of the package material he was ordering, receipts for it's cost, and a timeline of when it would arrive.
- We communicated back and forth about how to package the item and he went above and beyond with the box and package material. Literally the most well protected packages that I've received by either private sellers or from commercial purchases.
- He worked with me on every step of the way for shipping logistics.
- He provided a tracking number and frequent updates on when the package was picked up and updates during it's transit. Not even 10min after it had arrived, he reached out to make sure everything made it safely. Above and beyond, folks.

Shipping logistics:
I reached out to a few places locally about shipping, but found that shipping was pretty crazy when getting quotes. He took care of all the shipping arrangements from his end. He provided package dimensions and weight. He asked which of the options for delivery time and cost I wanted (provided receipts), ect. What is interesting is how much shipping quotes differed between countries. When I called UPS for International shipping, I was quoted MORE THAN DOUBLE the cost of shipping that the Gregor was quoted when he called UPS International from the UK. Same shipping company, same box dimensions and weight, same origin, same destination, same shipping time guarantee option, same declared value and insurance....Unreal. So I went with his quote and he saved a LOT of money by doing so!

-This was the MOST well packaged item I have ever purchased...EVER (both private sales and commercial).
-Understandably so, I was SUPER nervous as to how this would arrive given the long passage it would take over the Atlantic from the UK. Often, by the time boxes make it to my doorstep, they look like they were beaten to death with a metal bat. This box arrived EXACTLY how it looked prior to shipment. Perhaps UPS saw the huge declared value and took extra care of it...But more than likely it's because the seller went ABOVE and beyond packaging this!
-The item arrived 100% protected, in the exact condition that it was in prior to shipment and as shown in the video. Mint condition.
Double boxed, in what is the thickest cardboard I have ever seen. Practically plywood. The box was fully sealed via hot-glue and then stabled. Every part of it was reinforced on the inside, as well as every corner and edge. Finally, the box was strapped with the plastic straps in the image above. Above and beyond. The boxes were from a high-end bike store (which I will take note of for the future, if I ever need to ship something of similar size with equal durability/protection). Bomb proof, despite changing hands LITERALLY 20 times in the course of it's voyage.
An absolutely MASSIVE box:
Corner edges expertly protected -- Always a spot of concern.

When I received my package today, I noticed that the bumper felt much heavier than I expected for a fully carbon bumper...
...That's because he includes all the mounting hardware (OE CSL bumper shocks and ASA bolts)...Totally unexpected and a very well welcomed surprise. That explains the 17kg in weight. I did NOT know that he was going to include these. That was extremely generous of him. Above and beyond.
*Excuse the mess, currently preparing the house for a massive hurricane. Perhaps I will lay in this empty box if I need protection. =P

I will take better pictures when the weather clears...It was quite dark and cloudy outside, but I wanted to take them before all hell breaks loose from the sky.

Not even a single scratch on the bottom!

A little white vinegar will clean the surface rust off the ASA bolts.

Don't mind the trees reflecting off the splitters.


Came with the OE CSL Washer bottle too!

Genuine BMW Stamp of Approval. Made in Slovenia!

Close up of the backside, showing that the full bumper is made from BMW factory carbon fiber:

I can hardly believe this is real-life. I almost feel ashamed to have to repaint this in Oxford Green. I've got to say...SilberGrau is a MAGNIFICENT color. Kind of wish my whole car was that color after seeing this.

It's unfortunate that such a standup, genuine, communicative, and honest seller has moved on from the CSL. This has been one of the best private buying experiences I've ever had, due to his thoroughness. I would NOT hesitate to do business with him in the future. He is the real deal and makes it to the very top of my long list of buying from private sellers, and as such, I felt compelled to leave him this public feedback to the community since his character came into question. :beer:

11/10 buyer's experience. :thumbs:

glendog74 15-09-2018 12:08 PM

Awesome, great feedback! :thumbs:

Marcopolo33 16-09-2018 12:11 PM

Totally agree with Glendog74! Gregor is a top guy and i still feel sad he let his CSL go! He was the part of me getting my CSL as he took me for a ride in his one and helped with advice etc. before i bought mine.

Great to see this post so we can appreaciate such as good manners, respect and transactions within forum!!! :supz:


Originally Posted by glendog74 (Post 204019)
Awesome, great feedback! :thumbs:

Pop Alexandra 16-08-2022 09:08 AM

I also had some very good experiences with him. Comparable to a logistics company I've previously worked with.

scaramanga 17-08-2022 10:04 PM

Loving the thread resurrection.

Kudos to @GregorFuk

SGmark 04-09-2022 04:34 PM

I bought his CSL and it was a first class experience! :thumbs:

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