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LeinsCSL 10-06-2013 02:23 PM

E46 CSL Subframe Strengthening
3 Attachment(s)
As I think I mentioned to a few people last month, the CSL was going in for some preventative maintenance work at MProve: http://www.mprovesolutions.com/ This is mainly because I've been hearing too many horror stories about subframe cracks, and being an early one the car is very soon to fall outside of BMW's 10 year goodwill period, so I thought I'd bite the bullet and get the whole area strengthened up for a bit of peace of mind

I had a quick check around over here in Ireland but no-one seems to be doing this sort of work, and having seen a couple of recommendations for MProve (based outside Warrington) I got in contact with them. On speaking with Matt there, he informed me that he had already done the work on a few CSLs, and many E46 M3s including his own, and there were basically two options:

1) Just an epoxy resin injection on both sides of the subframe


2) Strengthening plates and the epoxy resin injection, plus all new subframe bushes

He recommends the second option for anyone planning to track their cars, but even though I don't I still thought it was the option worth going for to avoid any worries going forward. The whole procedure would take about a week, mainly because the resin has to set properly over a number of days before putting it under any stress

Anyway, I dropped the car over to MProve, and was quite impressed with their set-up. It's out in the middle of the coutryside so lots of space, and as well as the subframe repair/prevention work they also run a race team and a detailing business out of there (a few tasty motors around the day I arrived :)). On getting it up onto the ramps, Matt showed me the potential weak points, and to both his and my surprise it was all intact, not even any hairline cracks

Here are a few before pics:

LeinsCSL 10-06-2013 02:30 PM

4 Attachment(s)
So about 6 days later I got the call from Matt to say the car was ready and all the preventative work had been successful, which I was very pleased about due to it being required for its trip to Munich and back! :) It didn't need a new floor, and I've got full confidence that it's all strengthened up now for the future

So in short I would have no problem recommending MProve as their work is excellent and Matt is a thoroughly nice guy to deal with

Finally, a few pics of the strengthened car:

Nikey30 10-06-2013 09:33 PM

Looks like a top job Jeff, mine is getting booked in with MProve in the next few week, looking at your pics their work looks good.

plumber vic 10-06-2013 10:06 PM

Hi Jeff
what sort of money are we talking about:whistle:

LeinsCSL 10-06-2013 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Nikey30 (Post 147402)
Looks like a top job Jeff, mine is getting booked in with MProve in the next few week, looking at your pics their work looks good.

Yeah delighted I got it done now when I had the chance Nick


Originally Posted by plumber vic (Post 147403)
Hi Jeff
what sort of money are we talking about:whistle:

Works out at £1000 for the strengthening plates and resin injection, then extra for stuff like new OEM subframe bushings Vic. Cheaper than a new floor anyway!

Monkey 11-06-2013 07:38 AM

I've done one of these repairs on a car at work. I used the Turner Motorsport repair kit, but after seeing the kit I'll make my own next time.

I recall the repair coming to around £1000 over here as well. The car I repaired did have a huge crack around the o/s/f rear subframe area which is the main area. There was also a fairly substantial crack at the back of the n/s/r rear subframe mount, a less usual area for the failure but I have seen a few.

In this case its neccesary to drill at either end of the cracks to stop the spreading, and then weld the cracks shut. Instead of the resin, I opened up the chassis leg inside the rear of the car and welded the 2 skins together to increases strength.

I have a feeling I'll be doing a few more of these in years to come!!

Jetcat 20-06-2013 07:10 PM

M3 CSL rear tyres not enough négative angle
Does anybody have an idea how I can fix the angle of the rear tyres of my CSL?
I checked the car and according to BMW the rear angle should be -1°50"
Although they tryed to fix it, it was not possible, especially on the right side) to adjust the bar Nr 5 (see picture) to more than -0°50".

Does anybody have an idea how to fix that?

Many thanks http://static.bmwfans.info/images/epc/MTU0ODE5X3A=.png

portlandgrey 21-06-2013 10:48 PM

You can buy the TMS/Rouge adjustable arms, which should sort the problem.
First though, make sure the dealer has loaded the car correctly when doing the KDS.
The car should have a full fuel tank, & the boot & front seats should be weighted (75kg in the boot IIRC?, not sure on front seats?)
Without this loading, you'll struggle to set it correctly.


Originally Posted by Jetcat (Post 148195)
Does anybody have an idea how I can fix the angle of the rear tyres of my CSL?
I checked the car and according to BMW the rear angle should be -1°50"
Although they tryed to fix it, it was not possible, especially on the right side) to adjust the bar Nr 5 (see picture) to more than -0°50".

Does anybody have an idea how to fix that?

Many thanks http://static.bmwfans.info/images/epc/MTU0ODE5X3A=.png

alexk 22-06-2013 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Jetcat (Post 148195)
Does anybody have an idea how I can fix the angle of the rear tyres of my CSL?
I checked the car and according to BMW the rear angle should be -1°50"
Although they tryed to fix it, it was not possible, especially on the right side) to adjust the bar Nr 5 (see picture) to more than -0°50".

Does anybody have an idea how to fix that?

Many thanks http://static.bmwfans.info/images/epc/MTU0ODE5X3A=.png

That's a bit weird.
Can you elaborate the 'couldn't fix more than 0.5' ?
OEM it should be possible for -1.5, unless
- rear arm is bent
- the camber bolt is stuck and cannot turn

Some pics of the lower arm would help :)

Jetcat 22-06-2013 02:53 PM

I have 2 pictures in my Album.
It shows the left and right arm.
You can see that the right one can not be adjusted more.

alexk 22-06-2013 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Jetcat (Post 148349)
I have 2 pictures in my Album.
It shows the left and right arm.
You can see that the right one can not be adjusted more.

Where are you taking your car ? Are they mechanics or farmers ???

They need to loosen the nut on the front part of this camber bolt and turn it 90 degrees counterclockwise.
Then you will get -1.5 deg camber.

PS1 : make sure they check the elliptical washer on the front. They cannot put it wrong but I guess you can always be surprised with things...

PS2 : this bolt could tow a tanker boat. if it's stuck just cut it out and put a new one along with a new spherical joint

Jetcat 22-06-2013 09:07 PM

Thanks, I am not a mechanic but the guys who took the measures shoud know what they do since it was Kohl Automobile (AC-Schnitzer) in Aachen (Germany).

Steve B 23-06-2013 06:02 PM

As stated you need to have a full tank of fuel and load the boot up and front seats from memory.... I realised this when doing a full alignment on mine and had the same issue.


Jetcat 30-06-2013 08:55 AM

You are right: 68kg on the front seats and 14kg in the trunk+full fuel tank

cslgirl 16-07-2013 09:31 AM

Bringing the CSL over to the mainland this weekend/next week as the CSL is going in to be checked for any subframe cracks on Tuesday!

Hoping all is well as none were noticed last time it was looked at.

mattCSLnut 16-07-2013 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by cslgirl (Post 150004)
Bringing the CSL over to the mainland this weekend/next week as the CSL is going in to be checked for any subframe cracks on Tuesday!

Hoping all is well as none were noticed last time it was looked at.

Where are you taking it for the checks Lesa ? I ask a some dealers are less capable then others and miss the bleeding obvious :banghead: ;)

cslgirl 16-07-2013 09:59 AM

My man is at Coopers in Sevenoaks and he has always looked after the csl - never had any probs/worries.

mattCSLnut 16-07-2013 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by cslgirl (Post 150007)
My man is at Coopers in Sevenoaks and he has always looked after the csl - never had any probs/worries.

Excellent... fingers crossed all will be well :thumbs:

cslgirl 16-07-2013 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by mattCSLnut (Post 150009)
Excellent... fingers crossed all will be well :thumbs:

Sure hope so!!:-D

plumber vic 16-07-2013 04:18 PM

Hi Lesa

If your around 7oaks the weekend want to talk CSL (only 5 min from coopers) pm me:wink:

cslgirl 16-07-2013 09:13 PM

It's going in Tuesday morning if you are around?

plumber vic 17-07-2013 09:09 PM

Hi Lesa

Will be up to elbows in plaster on Tuesday maybe next time :thumbs::thumbs:(as in plaster that goes on walls)

cslgirl 17-07-2013 09:40 PM

Cool, no worries :) :-D

sjb 18-07-2013 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Monkey (Post 147414)
I've done one of these repairs on a car at work. I used the Turner Motorsport repair kit, but after seeing the kit I'll make my own next time.

I recall the repair coming to around £1000 over here as well. The car I repaired did have a huge crack around the o/s/f rear subframe area which is the main area. There was also a fairly substantial crack at the back of the n/s/r rear subframe mount, a less usual area for the failure but I have seen a few.

In this case its neccesary to drill at either end of the cracks to stop the spreading, and then weld the cracks shut. Instead of the resin, I opened up the chassis leg inside the rear of the car and welded the 2 skins together to increases strength.

I have a feeling I'll be doing a few more of these in years to come!!

See you on the 29th James :thumbs:

Monkey 18-07-2013 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by sjb (Post 150177)
See you on the 29th James :thumbs:

Yes indeed:) She'll be as good as new after this visit!

Chris-CSL 18-07-2013 07:16 PM

Just got my Car back today :thumbs: for sub frame work and its all thanks to Monkey and ML for spotting it where a certain local BMW Dealership in Bromley (mention no names) did not :moan:

Thanks :)

cslgirl 23-07-2013 12:28 PM

My subframe is perfect! no cracks at all!! Must be my fantastic driving :whistle: :-D

mattCSLnut 23-07-2013 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by cslgirl (Post 150400)
My subframe is perfect! no cracks at all!! Must be my fantastic driving :whistle: :-D

LOL! ... or the shameful lack of proper use :wink: :hahaha:

cslgirl 23-07-2013 04:32 PM

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :hahaha::hahaha:

LeinsCSL 23-07-2013 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by cslgirl (Post 150400)
My subframe is perfect! no cracks at all!! Must be my fantastic driving :whistle: :-D

That's good news Lesa! So what's the plan, are you going to leave it as is or get some of the strengthening work done?

Mine was perfect too, but as I don't run a warranty I decided to get it done as preventative maintenance anyway

cslgirl 23-07-2013 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by LeinsCSL (Post 150419)
That's good news Lesa! So what's the plan, are you going to leave it as is or get some of the strengthening work done?

Mine was perfect too, but as I don't run a warranty I decided to get it done as preventative maintenance anyway

At the moment am going to leave it - it's not driven hard and to be honest, we do around 500 miles a year if you are lucky! Will get it checked out when it goes in for services but happy to leave it as is. To leave it all totally original is my aim. :thumbs:

LeinsCSL 23-07-2013 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by cslgirl (Post 150420)
At the moment am going to leave it - it's not driven hard and to be honest, we do around 500 miles a year if you are lucky! Will get it checked out when it goes in for services but happy to leave it as is. To leave it all totally original is my aim. :thumbs:

For what it's worth, Matt at MProve told me that he reckons it's quick 1st & 2nd gear starts that do the damage

plumber vic 23-07-2013 06:36 PM


500 miles a year:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcr y::bigcry::bigcry:

cslgirl 23-07-2013 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by plumber vic (Post 150422)

500 miles a year:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcr y::bigcry::bigcry:

Well.. you know it's getting to a stage where I don't want to use it too much as they are becoming such a rarity. The thought of someone reversing into me if I left it street parked and how much is it for a new bumper? I can't take a chance. It's my baby... in my garage and all paid for - as long as I can afford to keep it, then I am more than happy to just do the mileage. I had it from 3k so have done 32k in it (over 9 years) lol!!

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