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Graham 31-05-2012 02:33 PM

Donington Email
It is with deep regret that we have unfortunately had to cancel this event at Donington Park.

The reason for this is as follows.

The situation with drive by noise at Donington Park in 2012 is this. A quiet Trackday has a drive by limit of 98 db measured from a sound meter on the pit wall and possibly further measuring devices around the circuit. All circuits have noise restrictions imposed on them by their Local Authority and unfortunately for Donington, particularly oddly as they are next to an airport, their noise limits are quite low on these “quiet” days.

This year, imposing these limits are clear in that if a car exceeds 98db it will be black flagged. The driver has the opportunity to quieten the car. If this does not work successfully they will not be allowed on track for the rest of the event. This is non negotiable. Our days at Donington are advertised as 98db days on our website and on various listing websites and Trackday broker sites. Our confirmation email that is sent to all attendees prior to the event states this noise policy clearly. This policy is repeated in the safety briefing.

At a recent event we experienced a number of black flag incidents within the first hour. We assisted these drivers with noise reducing exhaust inserts that can reduce drive by noise by up to 3db in some cases. In some cases this worked and in some it did not. A few of the cars were asked to finish due to this, a Peugeot 306, a Chevron recreation race car which had quiet and new exhausts fitted especially for the event, 2 Porsche 911 turbos, both standard and less than 2 years old and a Noble M400. A couple of the black flagged cars were adequately silenced and were allowed to continue, these included a Mazda MX5, a Ford Focus RS and a BMW 325i racecar. We were warned that if we got any more noise violations the event would finish, all cars removed from the track regardless of how loud they were. After this there were the odd noise incident and a technical stoppage was enforced meaning all cars left the track until we were able to ask the offending driver to leave. In every other Trackday I have done at Donington, this includes a number of events we organised there in 2011 and 15 years of trackdays I have attended at the circuit as a customer this has never happened. In all cases, the offending car was black flagged and the other cars were left to use the circuit as before.

Because of this we were imposed a zero tolerance policy on noise at all our future trackdays at Donington. We have been asked to pay a £3000 bond and if 1 car exceeded the 98db noise reading the bond would be held by the circuit. Furthermore the circuit owners could shut the circuit for the rest of the day with nil refund. On analysis of the noise data, some specific cars were mentioned as having exceeded the limit and in a number of cases the cause of the breach was classed as “group” This means a number of cars pass the meter and the cumulative noise exceeded 98db. We were not prepared to accept the additional terms and did not want to risk the day being cut short if there was an infringement which in reality, we have no real control of. In effect we had to cancel the event together with all our other trackdays at Donington Park. We have not taken this decision lightly.

We set up in business last year and from doing 15 events last year we planned to increase this to over 20 this year. We have never before cancelled a Trackday. In a number of cases in our first year numbers for certain events have been very low and we have lost significant amounts on a day. We would not cancel the event though as customers have set aside time and money for these events and we are 100% committed to ensure our customers have an enjoyable, safe and good value experience on our days.

We will be looking to replace the days now cancelled however we will offer a full refund or credit note if preferred for the amount you have paid for this event, including, where applicable garages or additional driver costs for the full value. In the event of a full refund being requested, this can be by way of a cheque by return or a direct payment into your account.

We have tried frantically to book another track for Wednesday as a replacement but have been un-successful. We have also checked other events on the 30th and have noticed a day at Cadwell Park in Lincolnshire advertised through www.trackdays.co.uk ; which may be of interest. This is not being run by ourselves.

We are extremely sorry to have cancelled this at such short notice but this only happened today. Please be assured that you will receive our best attention at all times, and for the customers who have not used us before, we sincerely hope to see you again during the year.

shimmy 31-05-2012 02:38 PM

which TDo is that?

Sounds like their noise meters are set up all wrong to me. Probably too close to the pit buildings and getting reverb from the structures

CraigMillwardCroft 31-05-2012 02:39 PM

Which Donington Event (Date) :whistle:

northernjim 31-05-2012 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by shimmy (Post 114751)
which TDo is that?

Sounds like their noise meters are set up all wrong to me. Probably too close to the pit buildings and getting reverb from the structures

Its APEX Shimmy, it all started last thursday night....:(

red hot night, loads of planes coming in ( ambient overall noise level up???) and loads of black flags for noise....

the meters are under bridge on S/F straight and after the old hairpin.

My mate in his focus was black flagged, fitted a silencer and was fine, but then on friday he didnt fail a noise test all day WITHOUT the silencer - it seems that donny are willing to black flag one person even when it is 2 cars going under that trips the meter- how feckin stupid is that??????

northernjim 31-05-2012 02:55 PM

see hear for Melindi and Jonny's unbiased opinion:whistle:


Graham 01-06-2012 02:06 AM

I am not sure, it was posted on another forum.

When I went the other month 2 GT3's got black flagged for noise and banned from the track. They were standard cars.

Andyk 01-06-2012 05:14 AM

Why would they need a limit when the racing that takes part there can make you ears bleed....Was there two weeks ago for the Italian Spuerstars series and these things sounded like the God of Thunder.........So if a race can be so loud why not a track day.......

I organise two track days a year at Llandow in Cardiff and althought its only a tiny track its loads of fun and no limit....If they do have a limit they never use it...

billyboysm3 01-06-2012 09:06 AM

Does this means ours/Daves Opentrack day in August will be safe?

shimmy 01-06-2012 09:19 AM

THsi is Apex and have cancelled all their trackdays at Donny. Others say so far they have no change.

shane@mbtech 01-06-2012 09:39 AM

I got black flagged at Donny for noise on my not so noisy Gtr, they seem to be far more strict now. 100%.

Donny is off my track list now. Hate the place. And to the people saying its not changed, they are deluded.

Seems to be run by fucking bellends too.

Spa for the win.

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