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AlexGTT 04-02-2012 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Pooky (Post 106871)
That video's hilarious.

Interesting thread. Most of you wont know me as I'm a new CSL owner but I have a few years experience of the ring as I'm a handling development engineer (amongst other things) and I test on the ring, have been for 12 years. I did ring driver training with Dirk Schoysman as instructor, this is 4 days and 100 laps before you're allowed to go driving in the industry pool.

My two pence worth is that ring laptimes are largely pointless. All manufacturer laptimes are not acheivable, the cars are 'optimised', most will have different rubber and brake pads, some go further. The Corvette and Vipers are one off bespoke cars for example. Also, the laptime varies enourmously day to day depending on the conditions and humidity.

For me the satisfaction comes from analysis of my own driving and the car improving lap on lap until I'm confident the car wont go any quicker. Laptime comparison to another car or driver is something I never bother with.

And for those who say the ring isn't daunting, well it just hasnt bit you yet. It will.

Picking up on Steve's point of performance box timing this is the most reliable. What happens is that they tend to lose satellites because of the tree coverage so all files from the ring to need to have a 'repair' in the processing to fix the times.

But with videos being sped up and gps data not being repaired properly it just adds to the laptime comparison not really meaning a fat lot.

And last point, forget TF. Too busy, bad driving, bikes etc. If you want to go fast get on a proper track day.

Great insight. Thanks for that and good to have you on-board. :thumbs:

Agree about v-box/performance box. There are the occasional drop outs but you can correct it as you've mentioned.

Ref the video Gorilla posted, there's something very strange about it. Doesn't sound or look right and now I look back through your right, the rev drop off isn't near what it should be.

mattCSLnut 04-02-2012 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by s.mac (Post 106843)
it doesn't look right to me :whistle:

+ 1 :smt017 a lot of Video cameras have a habit of making fast TD laps look slower then they actually are.
To me this video looks like it's had some :whistle: post production Editing :clown: Even the engine note sounds higher then normal + he approaches the gantry @ 7:40 :whistle:

mattCSLnut 04-02-2012 04:52 PM

All valid points well made :thumbs: BTW, Dirk Schoysman as your driver training instructor !?!? :supz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrXpC...layer_embedded


Originally Posted by Pooky (Post 106871)
That video's hilarious.

Interesting thread. Most of you wont know me as I'm a new CSL owner but I have a few years experience of the ring as I'm a handling development engineer (amongst other things) and I test on the ring, have been for 12 years. I did ring driver training with Dirk Schoysman as instructor, this is 4 days and 100 laps before you're allowed to go driving in the industry pool.

My two pence worth is that ring laptimes are largely pointless. All manufacturer laptimes are not acheivable, the cars are 'optimised', most will have different rubber and brake pads, some go further. The Corvette and Vipers are one off bespoke cars for example. Also, the laptime varies enourmously day to day depending on the conditions and humidity.

For me the satisfaction comes from analysis of my own driving and the car improving lap on lap until I'm confident the car wont go any quicker. Laptime comparison to another car or driver is something I never bother with.

And for those who say the ring isn't daunting, well it just hasnt bit you yet. It will.

Picking up on Steve's point of performance box timing this is the most reliable. What happens is that they tend to lose satellites because of the tree coverage so all files from the ring to need to have a 'repair' in the processing to fix the times.

But with videos being sped up and gps data not being repaired properly it just adds to the laptime comparison not really meaning a fat lot.

And last point, forget TF. Too busy, bad driving, bikes etc. If you want to go fast get on a proper track day.

Pooky 04-02-2012 05:30 PM

Dirk does all the ring training where I work. Nice chap too, and spends a lot of time making sure you understand how the ring is not like anywhere else and that it will bite. He has a few good lines in places that he shared with Chris Harris when they drove together, Chris says they are worth a bit of time compared to most other lines but it's the only line I've ever known.

Dirk also does driving in the industry pool, runs a company that supplies drivers for the durability work, as well as doing some himself: www.topline.be . We also use him for lap times during car development if we need.

The Gorilla 05-02-2012 12:51 PM


When you compare the 'M3 Vid'' with
a Proper Fast car and Driver it highlights
all the issues.

Some of the footage in this Vid has been posted before
but I make no apology for that.

You got to be fully committed to drive this fast,
as well as talented and on the edge.

Handling F1 G -forces on a public road, that is real talent.


The Gorilla.


thegingerninja 05-02-2012 01:54 PM

That vid doesn't look right to me either.

The Gorilla 05-02-2012 03:22 PM


Quote- '' That vid doesn't look right to me either.''

Should have gone to Spec Savers then.

Edlinger is ex DTM Driver, I do not think
he requires Trick Vids to display his
ability or talent.


The Gorilla.



AlexGTT 05-02-2012 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by The Gorilla (Post 106971)

Quote- '' That vid doesn't look right to me either.''

Should have gone to Spec Savers then.

Edlinger is ex DTM Driver, I do not think
he requires Trick Vids to display his
ability or talent.


The Gorilla.

Think he was probably refering to the M3 vid Gorilla.

The Gorilla 06-02-2012 09:33 AM


TheGingerNinja- Apology from the Primate if
your remark was in regard of the M3 Vid.


The Gorilla.

thegingerninja 06-02-2012 09:44 AM

It was the m3 vid I was referring to - should have made my post a bit clearer. I think it is the steering inputs, they look too "jerky"? Someone also made a good point that in car vids usually look slower than they actually are.

No worries Gorilla, primates are allowed to rattle their cages every now and then.;)

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