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stevenEK9 14-11-2016 07:53 AM

came very close to selling my M3, using some of the profit of the sale of my flat and buying a very nice 996 GT3 which i even went to view

decided against it in the end and spent some money tidying up a few bits on the M3 and really finishing off what I had started with it

reasoning was 2 fold really.........

would I get more driving pleasure from the GT3? yes they are special cars but having flashed most of them out the way at the ring and out dragged a few out of corners, I know there really isn't much performance benefit in the change

would I be more anal about the value of the car and this would distract from the driving pleasure? yes it would..........

for me at least it came down to want and not need, very glad with my decision to stick with the m3

my ultimate dream car is however a 997.1 RS in orange, was lucky enough to spend alot of time in the passenger seat of one at the ring on a trackday recently, this one has a few tweaks too.......

it was incredible and if finances allowed I would have one in a heartbeat, the noise, the looks, the engineering, the noise

did i mention the noise?

brilliant cars

J2LTB 14-11-2016 08:10 AM

Jon not as OP but you have mentioned a GTS . This is exactly what I have done. The Csl has gone and I'm in a 2011 Carrera 2 GTS PDK. What a fantastic car. I can't say you won't regret getting rid of the Csl but this certainly fills most of the void. It's a completely different animal. It does everything so well. I'm not saying it uneventful but compared to the Csl it is. Speed wise 408 horses makes it gather speed quite a bit faster but it's not as eventful.
Toys wise it's like leaping 2 model generations. Build quality is better and servicing costs alone are cheaper than Bmw . So I'm told haha.
Like me you bought at the right time. If your ready for a change then go for it.

Jon8710 14-11-2016 04:19 PM

Thanks so much for all your comments they have really helped me,
I think I'm sticking with the CSL for some to come it's still so special
And demands ultimate respect, I also have a 30k mile 1979 635csi so I think I'm going To put the money into that with a nut and bolt restoration and thank my lucky stars I get to drive these two Bute's.
The wedding went well on Saturday the 635 was my wedding car!!
I will put a pic up when I get them through.
You have me for a little longer yet sorry,

Trawler 14-11-2016 06:04 PM


You have time to post so soon after your wedding. You must be worn out :hahaha:

cslsuperfan 21-11-2016 05:42 PM

Gt3 / csl

Tough decision to make

The CSL is probably the best car given the relative money needed to buy one against the cost of a GT3.

But its not a GT3 and never will be.

Race car from the wheels up against a very capable coupe that's got room for a full set of Wilsons.


GregorFuk 22-11-2016 09:16 AM

I might add that kids do not mean the end of fun cars. Not in my experience anyhow.

ac427 22-11-2016 05:39 PM

It would have to be a 997 GT3 or better so it would actually faster on track than a CSL.

The 996 is not as quick or as nice to look at, especially with those ugly headlights.

I drove a 997.1 GT3 on the road for a day and loved it.

The argument then, was a 90k GT3 was a bit much to risk on track vs a 30k CSL but now both have increased in price so i guess that is a moot point.

What about a CSL with a supercharger ?

cslsuperfan 22-11-2016 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by ac427 (Post 198387)
It would have to be a 997 GT3 or better so it would actually faster on track than a CSL.

The 996 is not as quick or as nice to look at, especially with those ugly headlights.

I drove a 997.1 GT3 on the road for a day and loved it.

The argument then, was a 90k GT3 was a bit much to risk on track vs a 30k CSL but now both have increased in price so i guess that is a moot point.

What about a CSL with a supercharger ?

Very valid points, especially the additional risk of piling in your 100K plus investment.....

never fails to impress me @ the Ring. This year at DN16 I saw three Carerra GT's posting very respectable times......and at £500,000 a pop they really are becoming priceless.

nw99 22-11-2016 08:06 PM

I never take my RS on the track mind you never took any of the CSL's or my M2 . I am a garage queen expert.

Pooky 22-11-2016 08:24 PM

Did N'ring DN, Spa twice, Brands, Donington and Rockingham with my CSL.

Did two days at N'ring DN this year in my 997 GT3 6 weeks after buying it.

It's what they're built for.

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