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_Nathan_ 17-01-2013 03:57 PM

Thanks for that - it was going too far I was concerned with, don't want to make it really tiring to drive for long distance races.

From a quick realoem scout (or google ;)) it seems that the 330i ZHP rack is actually the same ratio as loads of the standard e46 range, slightly faster than a CSL rack but miles cheaper which I guess is the rack you are referring to, looks like the part number used in the ZHP has some differences that change the feel despite having the same ratio though.

Do you know if a standard 3 series rack will just drop in?

Might just stick a standard M3 rack in and see what it is like, spares are plentiful...

The Gorilla 17-01-2013 05:55 PM


Yes, they bolt straight in, but some
may require ''spacers'' as the
rack pick up points are sometimes
less than the CSL/M3 distance where
it bolts into the front subframe.


The Gorilla.

NZ_M3 17-01-2013 10:38 PM

Sometimes google can be your friend :whistle:


_Nathan_ 17-01-2013 11:16 PM

Thanks - saw that link before, the us guys have tried pretty much every combo you can think of, not many z4mc racks around though, leaning towards standard m3 rack as easy to get and a known quantity but will speak to a few customers to see what they are using.

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