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Conversation Between tbellamy85 and steveH
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. steveH
    16-05-2011 10:37 PM
    Hi Thomas that does sound bad and would expect Sytner to take some +++++ action to remedy.
    Keep me posted.
    Who recommended the detailer??
    We have a few who could have given you advice/quote.
    Will they be doing full car or just exterior??
    Must send some pics or pop along to some of the club meets or the events.
    Biggy will be Fathers Day show @ Harewood on sun 19th June 2011.
    Best regards steveH
  2. steveH
    08-03-2011 12:35 AM
    Hi Steve,

    Dropped off the CSL this morning for the paint work, but also scuffed an alloy on the way there, so really annoyed big time , car been at my parents whilst I have been working on the house so I was keen to have a decent spin on the way to Sytner only to hit a roundabout on the rear drivers wheel. Scuffed on the rim nothing bad... but was pretty guttered. As my car is my baby

    It's going to be in the workshop for around 5 days, having everything done (even the wheel)

    So sadly I won't be able to attend the meet tonight even though I would of loved to tag along.


    Thomas keep us posted with the work and service you receive from Sytner, I have been well pleased so far. Sure they will tidy wheel back so looks like new.
    Hope you can make a few meets once the summer comes.
    speak soon. steveH

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