Originally Posted by m3ni
Quite honestly it felt as though I had unfinished business with it. Sold my second one to Nick on here as I had a one time opportunity to get into a 996 GT2 (which I will never sell  ) and I know many have said this but something about the CSL kept drawing me back. The kids are a little older now as well and starting to take an interest in cars, so the practicality side comes into play. Not many cars that drive as well as this but can handle the weekly shop, car seats etc.
Lastly, it just seems to be getting better looking with age. Always lusted after an E30 M3 but the CSL just captured me, very few cars as special around this price point.
Really is a special car and as BMW and most other motor manufacturers change to spec heavy cars, the purity of the CSL should be celebrated. Much like the GT2, although that bugger tries to put me in a hedge when driving hard
Also managed to get my hands on a Gruppe M and never liked my neighbours 
Thanks for the reply, only thing I'd change the CSL for at that price is an E92 M3 but I've had one of them so I think I'll just hold onto it