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Old 18-06-2010, 11:06 AM   #1
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Default Typical Yanks !

This is so typically yank its beyond bewilderingly laughable – my brother is currently in the States and told me about this headline with utter incredulity and he’s Welsh!

And Americans wonder why we think (and know) they are ignoramuses when it comes to football. How do you win 1-1 ?

And since when have we ever had a British football team. There you have it ladies and gentlemen and from a cornerstone of American publishing as well – the New York Post!

Jesus we have a pop at the BBC – but I don’t think they ever make school boy howlers quite like this.

Still with their penchant for re-writing history Ben Affleck won the ‘Battle of Britain’ don’t you know – the American intelligence service cracked the ‘Engima Code’ not the boys at Bletchly Park! I would not be surprised to read in twenty years time that they in fact won this World Cup (of which there is more chance of Osama Bin Laden being granted the nobel peace prize and being granted honouree citizen of the US at the same time) and probably a couple of European Championships to boot - to which they obviously aren’t eligible - but don’t think that will stop their revisionist historians or hollywood script writers!

Still from a country who only invites itself to its most notable sports ‘World Series’ what can you expect!
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Old 18-06-2010, 11:24 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by DuncanR View Post
This is so typically yank its beyond bewilderingly laughable – my brother is currently in the States and told me about this headline with utter incredulity and he’s Welsh!

And Americans wonder why we think (and know) they are ignoramuses when it comes to football. How do you win 1-1 ?

And since when have we ever had a British football team. There you have it ladies and gentlemen and from a cornerstone of American publishing as well – the New York Post!

Jesus we have a pop at the BBC – but I don’t think they ever make school boy howlers quite like this.

Still with their penchant for re-writing history Ben Affleck won the ‘Battle of Britain’ don’t you know – the American intelligence service cracked the ‘Engima Code’ not the boys at Bletchly Park! I would not be surprised to read in twenty years time that they in fact won this World Cup (of which there is more chance of Osama Bin Laden being granted the nobel peace prize and being granted honouree citizen of the US at the same time) and probably a couple of European Championships to boot - to which they obviously aren’t eligible - but don’t think that will stop their revisionist historians or hollywood script writers!

Still from a country who only invites itself to its most notable sports ‘World Series’ what can you expect!
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