glol - I took a hard time on this one too!! She seems fine though now it's here and she does understand at least!!
I want to do my things to it before I start taking pics etc. There's lots about it that I don't like at the moment. The install itself seems good - the engine and gearbox feel very tight and as you would expect. I can't comment on the handling as the wheels are too f****g big for it and rub on the arches if you lean on it!
All I've done so far is drive it home and it's not moved since - I'm going looking at a new interior for it on Thurs night and I'm currently deliberating on what wheels to put on! Any recommendations or ideas welcome. I would like to keep the same size all round though as I like a little slip!
I have a mate who is a bm mechanic and he starts on it on Sat - he has plenty to go at!
My nail is away at the fixers and probably will be for a good month yet - that's a type r powered caterham in lambo green - I can't wait to have it hanging off the back of the touring!
I don't know if you will be able to see anything here
Just to give you an idea - that's not me sat in it btw - I can't condone those helmets!