Originally Posted by E30M3SE
Am prepared to travel, but of late whenever I have travelled any sort of distance the car has not been as described, infact some have been out and out dogs, and they are always at dealers.
Last year looking for a little run around, £5-6K not massive money, spent probably 10-12hr travelling around looking at various cars everyone of them was tatty at best dog ruff at worst found one in the end 6 miles from home from a private seller.
As I said previously,
"That is 6.5 hrs each way, it would need to be exactly as described to make that journey......................................."
I know...it can be very frustrating.
Many years ago my wife and I travelled a long way to view a 2002tii. We didn't have very much money at all back then and even the journey costs hurt us. I'd discussed the car with the vendor on the phone and he assured me there was only one scratch on the bonnet.
When we got there the car was literally a shed! Loads of mouldy crap and parts stored inside the car which had a broken, open sunroof exposing everything to the elements. The exterior was just as awful.
What he'd failed to mention was that the "small scratch on the bonnet" consisted of the inscription, in 12" high letters, actually spelt:
I was inclined to agree with the author and just about managed to leave without punching the vendor's face in!