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Old 10-02-2011, 09:15 PM   #7
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I will give you my honest opinion Monday (unless you have already bought it). Or I might just buy it myself

I'll enjoy the test drive no matter what

"shimmy-last person to rag James's CSl before he bought it.


Originally Posted by funtime View Post
I'm sure you get good enough discount from them anyway!

Cheers Bounce - forgot about that but yes i'll check this

I know exactly what your saying, and I realise that they wouldn't put their reputation on the line for the sake of a few thousand pounds and a load of grief, but I would hate to look back on the purchase and regret it because I didn't do the right checks.

To be honest it's not to see if they are pulling the wool over my eye's because I know they are a genuine bunch of guys, it's more so I can assess the value. If it's never had anything major done to it then I'd be less prepared to pay £xxxxx than if it had a few major items replaced already...

As for buying with my heart, i'll have to see. I don't think the car is fully prepped yet and it looks like it's going to be a miserable day tomorrow so it wont be as easy to fall for as going to see one that's freshly detailed on a bright sunny day.

But we shall see
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