Originally Posted by Chris Wilson
Just a thought - what about some longer CSL 'trophy' races say 4 or 6 hours for 2 or 3 drivers??
Apologies Chris, no hijack intended, so on a serious note, would it be so different from some of the Britcar series stuff ?, please bear in mind im new at all this stuff so dont have much of a scooby about the relevant rules and regs of either competition, just that I know it sometimes takes Nathan hours to finish a race !!

I must say that as far as the CSLCup racing goes, you can end up with not a lot of time on track, so a longer race would make more of an experience for all concerned I would think, particularly if you had a maechanivcal problem on the day ! It must be so frustrating to prepare yourself all week for the race week-end, and then get to the Circuit and have problems resulting in you missing the 20 min ? races ...