Thread: Cadwell Park
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Old 22-09-2010, 08:17 PM   #1
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Default Cadwell Park

A good day with Northern Jim, a few of the lads from the RS forum (I think) and a few old faces from the ring

a few offs from others made a quiet track day even quieter

I thought my day was going to be short after three outings my front cups were showing a bit of thread on the outside
Ive never changed the camber on them, always set at -1.5, I had to give it a try, well Jim did and after a lot of fiddling knocked it out to the -3 setting
after changing the setting the car was not handling well at all
I spoke to some guys who were in track cars and they suggested a new setting for the suspension, I was running hard at the front and a bit softer at the back, we changed it to a couple softer at the front and harder at the back. I could not believe the difference it made although my cups are now slicks the outside edge was saved and minimal thread showing my rears have still got another track day in them ?? I thought rears went 1st ??

anyway some pics

Last edited by s.mac; 22-09-2010 at 08:26 PM.
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