Originally Posted by mark csl
The best scare was the ring and a black Merc Alex just a shame my camera was not on 
Definately Mark!

That was close but I've had worse scares on TD's. Spa in May when the M3 got speared by the Evo.............I was directly in front of the M3 and watched it unfold in my rear view mirror. Oulton Park the other day, a caterfield thing I'd passed decided to try and follow me through Druids..........................and spun nearly collecting my rear bumper! A VX220 that I passed on the same day tried to brake at the same point as me going into the banked hairpin...........................and if I hadn't predicted he'd try that and not moved right under braking he'd have collected me as he sailed down my outside all locked up, heading for the grass!
I could go on but you get the picture. I've had enough.