Originally Posted by Justin
I don't want to jump on Gaute's (Fuchsrohre) wagon as I really don't want to open up that can of worms  but TBH you really don't need any of this for quick times around the ring. My car is completely standard, except for upgraded pads, fluid and hoses and I seem to manage ok.
How many laps have you done Matt?
Hi mate. Good to see U lapping it up @ the Ring again, this weekend gone

I hear what U're saying and I think I'm doing OK with a relatively standard CSL but it's really HARD work to get it under the elusive 8 minute lap time

as it is, with traffic and all.
I did 32 laps this weekend... 89 laps this year so far in the CSL (so the Jahreskarte is all paid off for 2010)

and in total in excess of 500

since I started going to the Ring in 2004

How about U ?