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Old 24-05-2010, 08:46 AM   #6
S4 - Getting the hang of it

Join Date: Feb 2010
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Fasteddie is on a distinguished road

As I undesdtand it whether DSC is on or off it doesn't matter under braking the DSC function is ON.
the pulsing suggests ABS is active is this the case or are you talking about another kind of pulsing?
If it is ABS it could be tyres running out of grip as the wheels stop rotating the abs will release the brake pressure. If it isn't the ABS I find it hard to think it is the tyres. I'm not a brake expert, I thought I knew a bit about this but I know enough to know I don't know!! Sombody on here may know but Shimmy is right try new pads, if that's too much of a waste for you reface them and burnish the discs (look on this site for how to burnish your discs, tehre is nice video somewhere).

God luck and don't forget to let us know what worked, cheers
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