Thread: clutch slip
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Old 09-04-2010, 07:21 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Matt View Post
Well after the new diff (not new clutch, same clutch for 45k so I am aware) its back to its best, with the new diff there was an instant improvement, not perfect although using the trick of driving in S2 and flooring the pedal between up shifts has sharpened it up no end (recommended on here), still slurs a tiny bit when you are in the full torque band 4th to 5th to 6th but I think that’s just how they are (although does improve with the pedal to the floor trick, I forget to do it sometimes).

Turn DSC off, gear change to max, nail it and see if it slurs, if not the clutch/diff is ok and it’s just the software for the lower settings (it must be). Mine still slurred with this so it must have been the diff.

Just my experience, many many more opinions on here ! Reading on here and my own experience I do think the software is to blame most of the time….although a new diff did fix mine…..

I was going to sell, but now keeping for a while as it’s awesome again.
Im off to Murketts for a new clutch and fly wheel,and hoping the slur goes[probably come back in time]
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