There has been a lot of praise thrown Murketts way so I thought I would give them a try as I knew some bits needed doing on my car.
I have owned BMWs for about 9 years and have always used main dealers for servicing.
I have to say I was a bit sceptical and the distance was putting me off.
I was glad I made the effort. It really has been a like a breath of fresh air dealing with Andy. He really knows his stuff and speaks to you as one would expect but you often don't get from BMW dealerships. It was like I'd known him for years after the couple of weeks they had the car for.
They gave the car the full once over' advising me of things that needed looking at (that weren't OEM) and replacing everything that needed to be replaced on the BMW warranty.
There was no flippant remarks made about a couple of mods on the car, as I have found with other dealerships.
I returned to pick the car up and everything I expected to be done was done and other bits that I wasn't expecting were also done, including 4 wheel alignment.
I could have saved them that task as the next stop was AST
Anyway I will gladly travel the miles from Leeds to Cambridge for Murketts to do all my work

and highly recommend them
on to AST to get these fitted
I opted against the rear coilover due to some of the horror stories I have heard...
Curtis at AST was great along with the guys from Powerhouse

great garage with a great spray painted picture on the wall
Full AP kit on later this week
and if this post doesnt read right

I'm knackered having just got home