Thread: CSL vs. 996 GT3
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Old 07-07-2009, 12:27 PM   #16
S4 - Getting the hang of it

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Originally Posted by spanner View Post
Don't get me wrong, the csl & GT3's are awesome on track and I rate them very highly. They are immensly capable for what they are. But they will always be barges due to their weight! Also very expensive to run regularly on track compared to a lighweight nail.
True on the cost. BUT Caterfields/Atoms etc are a PITA for anything other than dry and sunny trackdays within an hour of home. Which pretty much rules out Euro trips. Unless you wanted to trailer... in which case it's still a PITA.

If I wanted the flies in the teeth experience, then I'd stick to 2 wheels which gives even greater thrills than 4 wheels ever could. Caterfields give you less thrills than bikes, with all the downsides of cars (roadspace etc), and none of the upsides...
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