Thread: CSL vs. 996 GT3
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:48 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by m33ufo View Post
Will do....I've had 3 Boxsters (986, 987S and 987S 3.4) and a 996 C2 in the past so I know how the cars feel but it's probably like comparing an M3 with a CSL.
There is a very significant difference between the GT3 and a normal 911 - more so than the difference between the M3 and CSL. Drivetrain, engine, suspension, arms, steering, etc is all completely different on the GT3 compared to the standard 911. Only the basic tub, interior, and chassis remains the same.

Also, be aware that maintenance of a 6-10 year old GT3 where things start going wrong is not going to be cheap and will make a BMW warrantied CSL look like a bargain. Around the 50k mile mark, there are a lot of less obvious items that start getting worn out needing replacement. Bushes, driveshafts, clutches, diffs, engine mounts, synchros, leaking dampers start getting tired. It is also highly unlikely that the 6GT3 will be covered by the [now ridiculous] Porsche extended warranty meaning you better have the wallet to fund the addiction. It's not surprising that there has been a significant turnover of GT3s this year in particular compared to the previous 2-3 years when most of the 996 GT3s were around the 20-40k mile mark. Just look at the number of newbie 996GT3 owners showing up on the various Porsche forums this year... They are all excited and rightfully so, but the reality is that compared to a new 996 or 997GT3, the current crop of cars are getting tired, expensive to maintain, and are being superceded by newer/faster/more desirable cars. You are, in truth, buying the dream and badge. Be very careful in buying... there are some real dogs out there lacking the maintenance required to keep them in top form.

Keep in mind that the new 3.8L 997GT3 mk2 just released has, imho, moved the game on more than any previous post-Mk1 6GT3. Even more serious a car, but it has genuine everyday usability AND the top end track manners to distance itself from the previous 3.6L GT3 that stayed top of the tree for the past 10 years. Porsche play a very clever game and evolution is the constant in the Porsche Arms Race.
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