Originally Posted by Brendanmck
At this stage the majority of YouTube reviews featuring the m3 csl are all full of mis information shoddy research and you guessed it lets all find fault with the smg gearbox and how perfect the car would be if it was manual (funny my memories of my previous e46 manual gearbox were it wasn’t all that great either) there’s endless comparisons with modern dual clutch gearbox’s which don’t get me wrong I think are fantastic but a little soulless. Car companies are now programming these dual clutch gearboxes to shift harsher just to give there cars some character. Exactly what the csl has in abundance is character. Most if not all YouTube reviewers don’t own the csl they are reviewing and probably don’t get to spend long with the cars witch isn’t long enough to learn the characteristics of the smg gearbox it has so many different personalities some infuriating but some intoxicating as we know. They praise the csl for all of it’s obvious attributes but maybe if they can get to know these cars a little bit better and stop comparing them to modern super fast shifting dual clutch cars then we will get a review of what the csl is and not what some on YouTube want it to be.
This is so on the money ^^^
Being a died in the wool manual guy with no prior experience of SMG, this is pretty much my view as well. You need to involve yourself with SMG in order to get the best from it. It is truly interactive in this sense and captivating. So far, I love it warts and all.