Originally Posted by M5 Powered
Still hard to believe 1. Amit was a long-term member on here and 2. had the cheek to try and sell it to other members while not being truthful about the condition.
Saddest of all... the new owner will turn up on here thinking they just got a bargain CSL.
It going down hill round here 
There was a csl for sale in 2010.
£30k 30k mileage roughly
54 plate
The guy name is ANIS who had 54 plate SG CSL £30k roughly around 30k mileage. I viewed his car. Didn’t bother driving it. Local to me. £30k. He said it wasn’t crashed. It was. I know because it had a new bonnet by bmw Dealer. I confronted him on it at the viewing
He denied it. Then wanted to know how I knew. I told him bmw told me. Anyway just goes to show the owner can be a member of CSL Register and it doesnt mean you are buying a "cream puff".