Thread: N22 csl
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Old 01-03-2019, 05:14 PM   #5
S2 - Picking it up

Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 34
Casino cash: $543
Harwoodandy is on a distinguished road

Saw this when it was listed.

Panel Gap on the O/S where bumper meets wing and is that bonnet sitting a little high on that corner?
Check the colour match between O/S wing and door - could be the light of course

Might be me but to say servicing has been carried out rigorously is a tad ambitious - for what i can see its only seen a garage once since 2013 and that was at ML for an oil service in 2016
You can just about make out some of the advisories from ML on the bottom of the invoice - discs, pads, corrosion, dent, seat backs chipped, wing corroded, and is that second advisory crack in boot floor nearside?

All of these could have been addressed of course.

Some nugget has sprayed the section between the rear seats black and possibly seat backs as well

Like anything you really need to see it in the flesh.

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