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Old 08-01-2019, 11:07 PM   #1
Wonky 'L' after Washing

Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 6
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Funkyflynz is on a distinguished road
Default CSL interior for sale - Front/rear seats.

Hey guys,

I will be looking to sell a CSL interior I lucked upon in a couple of weeks, after reading a few posts about members not getting an opportunity to even discuss shipping etc before they were sold from under them I thought I would post my intentions now so hopefully anyone interested gets an opportunity to view/discuss.

I will be posting a ton of photos and making a video for youtube around the 23rd Jan. The history of this interior is pretty interesting, the car was actually crashed by a BMW salesman, it was then brought crashed and turned into rally car of all things, this car is still racing today. The interior was removed when the car was built to rally spec and has been in storage since.

The drivers door panel is damaged and missing the handle, there are some other little marks but overall in great condition due to lack of use.

The car was a RHD so the center console wont be an option for LHD cars, apart from that I believe the other pieces will fit either.

Im based in New Zealand, I am happy to ship worldwide, and would consider travelling over with the interior to meet buyer.

If you are interested I suggest you subscribe to this thread so you are alerted once I post up the photos.

FYI - if you want to follow along as I travel to pick up the interior and see some iPhone quality photos of it my instagram is "suxgas". A bit random I know but as im a new member it might help.


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