My take on this is: WTF does BMW expect

? The latest all singing all dancing M2 Competition posted a slower 'ring lap time than his "favourite" car

. 7.52:36 compared to 7.50 of the CSL

. Given the Nurburgring is acknowledged as being a couple of seconds faster now than it was back then (due to the improvements to Flugplatz and other parts of the circuit considered dangerous following "that" tragic GTR incident from a few years ago), of course every subsequent M-car is still going to be benchmarked against this UNTIL they build something that is dynamically better

They need to build a sub 1400kg car, not keep giving more power to cars that weigh closer to 1600kg.....
In addition, if the guy at BMW is saying that the most important thing for the M-cars is that the: "First thing and this is for me the most important thing; you can drive fast and completely relaxed. You don’t feel how fast you are."; then no wonder previous M-car owners feel disenfranchised from the brand

, you WANT an M-car to feel fast, as that makes you feel connected to the vehicle and provides extra involvement. The problem with a car NOT feeling fast is that you have to drive it well outside the speed limits to gain a sense of excitement. The current MX5 is slow as anything, BUT the ride, handling and FEEL, all combine to make it an outstanding "fun" car to drive. Other car manufacturers would do well to remember this, rather than building just unexciting "appliances" that are devoid of any feeling of connection.
I worry for the BMW brand if this guy feels that the same anodyne qualities of a s h i t b o x daily should be applied across the whole range
