Thread: First Trackday
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Old 12-09-2018, 02:03 PM   #19
Mike R
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Originally Posted by Chad View Post
Thanks again guys. Better get some decent pads then ,, I’m pressuring are all good with oem disc’s. Q will track pads trash my new disc’s As old front disc’s are on the limit of wear ,, obviously would prefer to trash old disc’s,, I realise mike said kill old disc’s.. I’m taking onboard all this information and advice chaps thanks. Chad,,, Off to bank to check my bank balance
Defo kill the old discs if they are near the end of their life .

Regarding the PF pads, I have used them in the past and they are great (with one proviso). Do NOT under ANY circumstances leave the brake dust on the car / wheels to allow them to get wet and allow the dust to rust. They have a high metal content and will weld themselves on to the car/wheels, making it extremely difficult to remove . As soon as you get home, wash the brake dust off IMMEDIATELY.
Mike R
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